All results / Stories / Donna Ladd


Walking Tall, Hitting Low

Mayor Frank Melton's alleged attack on a Ridgeway Street duplex on Aug. 26 is not the first time his 4-foot-long stick showed up recently.

Tease photo City & County

EDITORIAL: Mayor Must Repair City's Transparency Related to Policing, Crime

After asking for more than a year, the Jackson Free Press finally received the names and current status of Jackson police officers who shot people in the capital city since …

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UPDATED: City May ID Cops Who Discharge Weapons Within 72 Hours, Establishing Task Force

The City may require that the Jackson Police Department start releasing names of officers who fire on civilians within 72 hours of the incident.


City Ends Precinct-by-Precinct Crime Stats

Not that it made the front page as any story about the previous administration and crime stats used to, but The Clarion-Ledger has a story today about how the new …

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EDITOR'S NOTE: ‘Essential’ Truths: Gov. Reeves Is Failing Many Mississippians

There is no such thing as a 'nonessential' Mississippian." When I saw Gov. Tate Reeves' tweet that on April 23, I stared at my screen. As a native Mississippian, I …


The Ledger's Co-Dependency with Frank Melton

One wonders where The Clarion-Ledger edit-boyz came up with this lead to their editorial berating their mayor for doing, pretty much, exactly what he indicated he would do during the …


GOP: Watch the Racist Talking Points

Just hours after the Dow closed Monday down 777 points, a JFP reader posted the "reason" for the financial crisis on our Web site: "The subprime mortgage gateway was led …

Editor's Note

The Last Shall be First

Three mothers, two black and one white, came to the State Capitol Monday, July 19, to tearfully beg the state to stop abusing children. One question: Will the state listen? …

Editor's Note

Zen and the Art of Optimism

I don't know about you, but this election season is damned stressful. Even as George Bush rolls out television ads with wolves lurking to terrify Americans into voting for him, …

Hood Renews Call for Campaign Finance Reform

[verbatim statement] JACKSON, Miss. - Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood—as he has done since 2004—is again calling on state lawmakers to reform campaign finance laws.

Editor's Note

‘Jackson is the New Jackson'

When we started the JFP, we had the vague notion that we could help turn Jackson into "the new Austin." For us, that is no longer the goal. Austin is …


I Resolve, I Resolve, I Resolve

I just took a glorious week off. This hasn't happened to me much since we started the Free Press two and a half years ago. We managed to get away …


[Road to Wellness] Onward and Upward, Weeks 5 and 6

Well, gang, we've put in a full month of trying to live a well-rounded, healthier life. Mr. Gunter and I are still (pretty) hard at it. He's discovered a new …


Deadly Pet Food Filler Open Secret in China

It seems that all that "free trade"—and loss of American jobs and trading economic strength in our communities for sweat shops—is starting to come home to roost by killing our …

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Signs of Creative Life

Recently, Todd and I happened to be driving throughout downtown Jackson on a Saturday afternoon. Suddenly, we drove by one of the new art boxes.

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The Future of Jackson Depends on You

The signs showed up overnight around Ward 1 and parts of Ward 7: "Vote Today: The Future of Jackson Depends On It."

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No Means No

I have read accounts of the now-infamous Steubenville, Ohio, rape with horror.

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Making Solutions to Poverty Stick

It is easy to desire to help someone escape poverty, but it is harder than it might seem because they have to ultimately do it themselves.

Tease photo Editorial

SUNSHINE WEEK: Public Needs Year-Round Access to Documents, Meetings, Donation Information

The JFP has long focused on the serious problem of campaign donation transparency in the state, especially that shielded by political action committees, and more recently the problem with city …