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All results / Stories / Donna Ladd


Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge?

A new book, by Susan Jacoby, asks this question, especially about why so many Americans are so little interested in actual facts before forming (and spewing) opinions. Read more, as …


Clarion-Ledger: Don't Fund Children's Justice Center

A Clarion-Ledger editorial today says that the MCI settlement should only fund telecommunications-related causes:


‘Merit' in Mississippi

The teacher merit-pay mindset is attracting more believers here in Mississippi, despite hesitation on the part of teachers' organizations and many lawmakers who worry that it's just another way to …


Jackson Less ‘Dangerous' In 2004

Ironically, a murder binge in the city—nine fatal shootings in 10 days—comes just as a national crime-rating outfit released good news for the city of Jackson, at least about its …

Editor's Note

Family Values

Our history as a state and a nation is filled with atrocious efforts to destroy the self-esteem of black men. During the entire arc of slavery and then Jim Crow …


The Death of Conservatism (As We Know It)?

Conservative columnist David Brooks rethinks today's Republican Party in the cover story of this week's New York Times Magazine: "Democrats may imagine that the G.O.P. is an amalgam of fat …

Frank Melton

Melton Wins Mayor's Race in Low Turn-Out

Remember that today is Election Day! You can vote from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in your usual polling places. For vital candidate and voting information about Jackson races, read …


Disaster Remarks by Barbour, McCoy, Tuck, Others

Transcribed Remarks by the Governor and other state officials/MEMA Press Conference/Jackson, MS

Governor Haley Barbour: "Before I start trying to share some briefing with you… First, I'm pleased that the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker accompanied me to the coast today to …


Johnny Dupree's Win and ‘Redneck-Blackneck Politics of the Deep South'

In a new piece on Salon.com, writer Steve Kornacki argues that Democrats are pretty washed up in the Deep South, Johnny Dupree's historic victory notwithstanding. He writes:


Rudy Giuliani, Family (Values) Man

The "family values" mantra of the national Republican Party must really be in trouble when this is one of their front-runners:


Face-Off: The Battle for ‘Tort Reform'

When Sen. Gloria Williamson walked up to the podium on the first day of the 2004 Extraordinary Session called by Gov. Haley Barbour, she had one goal. The senator from …

Clarion-Ledger Downplays Huge Turnout, Hosemann's Error

Remarkably, even in the light of day, Clarion-Ledger reporter Natalie Chandler is still repeating an abysmally off turnout prediction by Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann as if it were …

Editor's Note

Hello, and Goodbye

I've never been great at goodbyes. When I meet people I dig, I want them around. But I've learned that a life filled with interesting experiences and people does mean, …


Why Not Answer the Question, Mr. Agnew?

Clarion-Ledger Executive Editor Ronnie Agnew has a truly absurd column out today. Once he gets through the crap in the beginning about Jim Hood bothering to talk to them on …


AP Poll: Obama ‘Best Hope'

A new Associated Press poll finds that, despite petty controversies like the dust-up over his preacher, Barack Obama has become the candidate that most Democrats believe has the best chance …

Frank Melton

Update: Melton Is Appearing in Meridian Court Today

Oct. 2, 12:20 p.m.: Mayor Frank Melton has been spotted in the Meridian courtroom where jury selection took up the morning. The judge has asked all parties to be in …


Palin-McCain Spreading Hate in the Lower 48

And they need to reel it in. Fast. This is ugly, and dangerous. Watch this one, as Palin encourages more.


This is a NEWS Headline, Ledger?!?

Look at the kind of crap that is helping beef up the "news headlines" over on Gannett's local "information center," now that the Ledger is, uh, moving beyond the idea …


Mayor Johnson's ‘State of the City' Address

In its entirety: State of the City Address, Mayor Harvey Johnson, Jr., August 26, 2003, 5:30 p.m., Union Station

Frank Melton

Judge Hears Arguments in Mayor Libel Lawsuit

Interesting report in The Meridian Star today about the lawsuit by MBN officers against Frank Melton for releasing false accusations against them to The Clarion-Ledger in 2003 (the story originally …