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Frank Melton

Christian Science Monitor on Melton and Race

The Christian Science Monitor just ran a piece about Frank Melton called Mayor's tough tack on crime stirs up racial sensitivities:

Editor's Note

The Sound and Fury of 'Perception'

Ponder these statements for a moment: "There is too much crime in Jackson." "The perception of crime is worse than the reality."


"How to Lose the Intelligent Vote, Part I"

Things are looking so positive in Mississippi. State Democrats chose the most qualified candidate for state treasurer regardless of race. Dialogue has started to happen about intelligent issues. There are …

"Fahrenheit 601": JFP Readers Want Film in Jackson

Here's the blog that has Jackson talking; originally posted June 19, 2004, this thread spawned a movement to bring "Fahrenheit 9/11" to Jackson. Now the energy has turned to bringing …

[Ladd] Gentlemen, Tone It Down

Every day of the past week I've heard someone, usually a white progressive, ridicule City Councilman Kenneth I. Stokes. "He's crazy." "He's a lunatic." "He's a racist." The outspoken Ward …

Cities Compete in Hipness to Attract Young

The New York Times has a story about cities trying to attract and keep the vital "creative class." Be sure to read Todd's story about Jackson's "Creative Class Rising" back …

Civil Rights Museum Part of Tougaloo ‘Master Plan'

Tougaloo College President Beverly Hogan told The Clarion-Ledger today that a civil rights museum has been part of the college's "master plan" for years:

Clarion-Ledger Publisher Explains 20 Layoffs

Following a directive from its corporate owner, Gannett, The Clarion-Ledger laid off 20 people Thursday—7 percent off its already-depleted staff—in addition to freezing the positions open from recent resignations. Three …


Anti-Semitism at Jackson-Based Right-Wing Blog?

Over at Ipse blog, attorney Jim Craig is calling out the local right-wing blog run by Alan Lange for anti-Semitism for a rather remarkable video they've cooked up against Travis …


Rudy: What a Hypocrite

So now the man who ran an entire crime-fighting plan with gun control at its base is now a "strict constructionist" when it comes to the Second Amendment. You know …

Frank Melton

Melton May Face Felony Charges

ww.jacksonfreepress.com/images/site_images/v4issue51/3_demolition.jpg" align=right>by Adam Lynch

Read the original JFP story here that exposed the Ridgeway Street incident.

Editor's Note

South Toward Home

Coming of age in Neshoba County, I considered Jackson the big city. I loved standing in the seat of our long turquoise Chevrolet, my left hand curled around my Daddy's …

Frank Melton

Judge Green: Court Should Sanction Danks

Today, Judge Green filed a motion with the Mississippi Supreme Court asking the court to sanction Melton's defense attorneys (PDF, 114 KB) for accusing her of a crime "without just …

Full Text of John Kerry's Convention Speech

My name is John Kerry, and I am reporting for duty. We are here tonight because we love our country. We are proud of what America is and what it …


JFP Wins Awards for Feature Writing, Public Service, Commentary

The JFP got more great news Friday night when we learned that we are winning two first-place and one second-place award from the Society of Professional Journalists' southeastern division. Valerie …


The Eye of the Needle

I usually ponder, ruminate, tweet, blog, joke and seethe about some or another issue for a week or more before I write a new editor's note. This week, though, I …

Frank Melton

UPDATED: Melton Bodyguard Wright Pleads Guilty, Resigns

Read: Adam Lynch's breaking Ridgeway coverage

Best of Jackson

Best of Jackson 2008

Best Bartender: Trevor Palmer, Club Fire - Club Fire's got to be a hectic place for a bartender. Hundreds of sweating, dance-crazed bodies are thirsty for a drink on Thursday's …