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All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Why Tom Brokaw Was In Jackson — Airs Sunday, July 23


New York, N.Y. — In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, there were images that shocked America and the world. Not just the damage caused by the storm, but the sight …

Editor's Note

The House That Racism Built

It's been another one of those weeks the media love in Jacktown: lots of screaming and finger-pointing and accusations of someone else, inevitably of a different race from the accuser, …

Editor's Note

Born To Be A Thug

A couple weeks back, culture czar Bill Bennett said crime would go down if all black babies were aborted. A couple months back, a business publication editor in Brandon said …

Person of the Day

Gov. Haley Barbour

"To the Freedom Riders yourselves, our state does celebrate and thank you for your courage, your commitment, your suffering and your sacrifices of 50 years ago. We apologize to you …

Rush Limbaugh Arrested on Drug Charges

WAPT is reporting that conservative talk darling Rush Limbaugh has been arrested:

Another Mucked-Up Hurricane Response?

Folo has a good post, and several links, pointing to another inadequate response to a hurricane disaster, this time in Texas. And there are reports that Texas Gov. Rick Perry …

Special-Session Man Is Back!


(JACKSON, Mississippi) * Governor Haley Barbour announced today he will call a special session of the Mississippi Legislature to convene at 9 a.m. on Thursday, August 24, 2006, and deal …


Come On And Rescue Me ...

Driving to work this morning, I saw a handful of pro-birth protesters with huge magnified fetus signed, probably Photoshopped (their favorite tech invention), in front of UMC. It seems that …


Drama and hysteria don't change the world

After getting sucked into a couple different JFP conversations about the (over)reaction to recent Census numbers (the most recent one here), I've been thinking a lot about drama and the …


‘A Real Buzz': Young People Expected to Vote in Record Numbers

New York Times today: "After dismal turnout by young voters in 2000, surveys this year show that interest in the election among the young is near the highest level it …


50 Cent Slams Gay Men; Says Lesbians ‘Cool'

MTV News reports: "In a wide-ranging interview with Playboy magazine, 50 Cent has let his feelings on homosexuality be known, in language sure to draw the ire of gay-rights supporters. …


‘Confederacy of Dunces'

Salon's Joan Walsh reports that Howard Dean's critics have it wrong: "Does anyone really believe that former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean was borrowing a playbook from the GOP and telegraphing …

JFP Chick Ball Raises $7,000 for Domestic Abuse Victims

A preliminary count shows that the 3rd annual JFP Chick Ball raised just over $7,000 for the Center for Violence Prevention in Pearl. This amount was raised through direct donations, …


Chasing Amy

<b>Can Barbara Blackmon Make History?</b>

Read the full transcript of this interview on the JFP Politics Blog.

Radio JFP to Discuss Melton Interview Noon Friday

Here's a double whammy for y'all. Mayor Frank Melton is slated to appear on Ben Allen's WJNT radio show Friday morning. Then, at noon, the JFP will discuss is comments …

Is The Clarion-Ledger the Worst Daily in the U.S.?

This thread contains analysis of the Clarion-Ledger's reporting on Melton, talk about Melton's record of drug arrests at MBN, and Ben Allen on the friendship between Kenneth Stokes and Frank …

Frank Melton

Breaking: All Five ‘Grayhead' Defendants Found Not Guilty

After four hours of deliberations, a jury has acquitted the five defendants accused of kidnapping and assaulting Michael Sanders to warn him away from talking to the police. Police say …

Frank Melton

BREAKING: Frank Melton Sues Clarion-Ledger

Melton told the JFP Friday that he was planning to file a lawsuit against the paper.

April 18, 2006—Sources tell the Jackson Free Press tonight that Mayor Frank Melton has filed a civil lawsuit against The Clarion-Ledger for damages in the Hinds County Circuit Court. He …