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All results / Stories / Donna Ladd


School Daze: Testing Madness

As I proctored a classroom full of seventh-graders taking the Grade Level Testing Program (GLTP) test last April in a suburban Jackson public school, I couldn't help but think that …


JFP Endorses Musgrove, Blackmon, Peterson, full slate

To determine our candidate choices, the JFP editorial board looked at the record, watched the campaign (focusing on issues, not rhetoric) and talked to many of the candidates whom our …

Editor's Note

Talking Back in Flyover Country

Not too long before the election, I found an e-mail I'd missed from a young Mississippi artist: "Donna, I think this article deserves a talented rebuttal. See what you can …


Clarion-Ledger's Jackson Circulation: 22,000

This is so deliciously educational that it deserves its own blog entry. In an article today about the city's legal-ad controversy, The Clarion-Ledger admits that out of its total circulation …


Ronnie Agnew: Anderson Lost Because He's Black

Clarion-Ledger Executive Editor Ronnie Agnew blames Gary Anderson's race in large part for his loss to Mike Chaney. Thoughts?


‘Merit Pay:' So Many Meanings, So Little Time

Some people might find it confusing that so-called liberal Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., supported President George W. Bush's "No Child Left Behind" act, and is pushing for "merit pay" during …

Frank Melton

Transcript of Jim Hood Remarks Re: Frank Melton

PDF of AG Jim Hood's Letter to Mayor Frank Melton

Obama, Huckabee Win Iowa

And they're off. The Associated Press reports:


'The Grand Ole White Party Confronts Obama'

In his current New York Times column, Frank Rich dives into the racial fray that Republicans are facing in trying to campaign against Barack Obama:


Dredging Up the Past: Why Mississippians Must Tell Our Own Stories

It was warm under the mammoth magnolia tree on the north side of the Neshoba County Courthouse, just yards from where the Confederate soldier stood on his marble pedestal until …


For One Moment: A Black-White Role Reversal

This morning, I woke up to more of the usual-suspect comments under this story: Crime Perception Hurts Jackson Economy. Apparently, I had wigged out the white-guy chorus that always wants …


Salter Takes on Taxation Myths; Barbour Responds

Update: Pasted below (in the comments) is a statement from Barbour, in minutes ago, about his take on the state's "budget myths." Enjoy.


Chip Pickering Leaving Congress

Rep. Chip Pickering, a Republican representing the Third District, announced today that he is not seeking re-election next year. One wonders if the Democratic Party will now go out on …

All Eyes on Jena, La., Today

The JFP's Maggie Burks is in Jena, La., today continuing her http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/comments.php?id=14884_0_67_0_C ]coverage of the Jena 6 case that she started in early August when she went to cover Al …


Jim Hood: The JFP Interview

Photograph by Kate Medley

In recent weeks, Attorney General Jim Hood has become a reluctant participant, of sorts, in the drama that the Frank Melton administration presides over in Jackson. After District Attorney Faye …


Former Hinds D.A. Ed Peters Accused of $1M Bribe

The Scruggs scandal is hitting closer and closer to Hinds County. In a story about Booneville attorney Joey Langston pleading guilty to corruption charges, The Clarion-Ledger buried explosive accusations, made …

Gannett for Sale?

The Wall Street Journal is blogging about the possibility that the Gannett Corp., which owns The Clarion-Ledger, may be girding itself to be sold:


Off To The Woods

Jackson Mayor Frank Melton is off to the woods of Jefferson Davis County with about 40 young men this week.

Editor's Note

[Editor's Note] A Romney Runs Through Us

Campaigning in Mississippi last week, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney set off a mini-firestorm in our offices. Sometime between joking about grits and forking up some hay, down-south style, Romney …