All results / Stories / Donna Ladd


2011 Chicks We Love Announced: Honor Them at Chick-A-BOOM Reception at JFP Chick Ball!

Every year, the Jackson Free Press honors a slate of fabulous Jackson-area women who are making a difference in our community and who are just plain lovable. Last year, the …


[Just In] JPS Superintendent's Remarks on Full Funding

These are the remarks of Jackson Public Schools Superintendent Earl Watkins today at a press conference at the Department of Education calling for the governor and the hold-out members of …


Krugman: Obama's Budget Is 'Very, Very Good'

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman writes in his New York Times column that President Obama is taking the country in the right direction in his new budget:


Open Chick Thread: Let ‘Er Rip!

This one's for whatever chick-related item is on your mind. And, yes, guys (or, at the least the ones who respect chicks) can post here, too. (Tom?)

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Gov. Tate Reeves Has Failed the COVID-19 Leadership Test

Tate Reeves’ leadership logic says it’s OK to endanger people’s lives to keep churches and guns stores open using a constitutional excuse, but then ignore constitutional precedent on a procedure …

Tease photo City & County

EDITOR'S NOTE: Time for Mississippi to Get Smarter on Crime

Dozens of officers from 15 federal, state and local law-enforcement agencies gathered in a circle in front of the new colorful Jackson mural facing State Street meant to symbolize a …

Tease photo Civil Rights

Revisiting the Kerner Report: How Much Has Changed Since the 1960s ‘Riots’?

To get at the causes of the riots, and potential ways to prevent them, President Lyndon Johnson assembled the 11-member National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders in July 1967 to …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Recovering Out Loud from Loss and Breast Cancer

"We must breathe through it all—the physical pain, anguish, stress, disappointment. We must just be present in our lives and accept and release whatever happens. Honestly, I can't imagine a …

Tease photo City & County

City: Man, 62, May Have Died After Altercation with Jackson Police

The City of Jackson sent out a cryptic and short press statement at 5:12 p.m. today, indicating that an older man may have died from an encounter with Jackson police …


Trash Talk: Kim Wade Disses the JFP

"Last week the Jackson Free Press had an interesting article in there where the editor was lamenting the fact that 'hey, you know Lefties are religious, too,' and she was …


Lott: ‘I Am Demanding Help for Mississippi'

[Sept. 5, 2005/verbatim statement] POPLARVILLE, Mississippi – U.S. Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi emerged from a one-on-one meeting with President Bush today in Poplarville asserting, "I am demanding help for …


Deadly Storm Surges Likely for Louisiana and Mississippi

As you're tracking the storm, don't just focus on where the eye of Gustav will make landfall. As we all learned during Katrina, the storm surge is one of the …


Ghosts of Frank Melton

Leave it to Frank Melton to live among strangeness even after his death.

Editor's Note

[Editor's Note] Peace, Prosperity and Tolerance

Every December now for about a decade, we have asked the Jackson Free Press staff members to sign hundreds of holiday greeting cards that we send to freelancers, advertising clients, …

Tease photo Immigration

After ICE Raids, Some Kids Reunited with Parents or Relatives in Mississippi

Scott County Youth Court Prosecutor Constance Slaughter-Harvey watched Thursday morning as a few children reunited with and embraced parents whom, just a day before, they had been separated from after …

Tease photo City & County

Campaign Trickery: Lumumba a 'Race Traitor,' Lee a 'Rankin Republican'?

Supporters of men who are vying to be Jackson's next mayor were busy over the weekend with last-minute election trickery, some anonymous and some not, with much of it targeting …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Move On from ‘Antiquated and Useless’ Gang Bill

A very bad "gang bill" has died in the Legislature for the second year in a row. This death occurred after the Senate passed the bill to criminalize gang association …

Tease photo coronavirus

EDITOR'S NOTE: Dear Dr. Dobbs, Mississippi Needs Precise COVID-19 Data

It’s often been a slog to get good and relevant information about the spread of the coronavirus that isn’t either confusing or incomplete, or what we get may combine apples …

Tease photo City & County

Truth and Pandering as Mississippi History, Civil Rights Museums Open

When the 90-year-old man slipped into the open seat next to me, the opening ceremony for Mississippi's duo of history museums was about to start.

Tease photo Civil Rights

White America’s Overdue Leap of Faith

Many white people want to just "move on." They'll shudder dismissively if you challenge the myths, preferring to leave the statues and flag and true history alone because it's just …