All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Jeff Weill Apparent Winner of Ward 1 Seat

The Clarion-Ledger is reporting that candidate Jeff Weill took just over 50 percent of the vote to replace Ward 1 Councilman Ben Allen Tuesday night. Weill ran on a platform …

Frank Melton

Melton Joins Other Mayors in Effort to Curb Guns

The New York Times is reporting on the meeting of 15 mayors, including Jackson Mayor Frank Melton, in New York to figure out how to curb the flow of guns …

Frank Melton

Melton May Face Felony Charges

ww.jacksonfreepress.com/images/site_images/v4issue51/3_demolition.jpg" align=right>by Adam Lynch

Read the original JFP story here that exposed the Ridgeway Street incident.


Travis Childers: Why I Voted Against the Bailout

Congressman Travis Childers just released a statement on why he voted against the $700 billion bailout today. Verbatim:

Shrinking JPD Springs a Sex-Toy Sting

So, the city can manage to find money to do sting operations in order to seize dildos. What a relief. Clarion-Ledger is reporting:


Why I'm Voting for George W. Bush

Although it is clear that the JFP has fully endorsed John Kerry, we would like to offer a forum for those who support George W. Bush to give us the …


Senate Passes Bailout Plan 74-25; Wicker and Cochran Oppose

In start contrast to the House of Representatives Monday, a bipartisan majority of senators voted for a bailout plan tonight. Mississippi Sens. Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker were among the …


Clutter: Bad for Your Health?

The New York Times has a piece that links health issues, including weight problems, to disorganization and clutter:

Tease photo Crime

UPDATED: Darnell Turner Gets 45 Years, Judge Brings Up DA Smith

The young woman who accused Darnell Turner of beating her, dragging her, strangling her, shooting at her car, and dangling her off a bridge in the Washington Addition when she …


The Effect of Immigrants on U.S. Employment and Productivity

The evidence is overwhelming that immigrants (including ones many like to label as "illegals") are not a drag on the U.S. economy and may even help it. Here is an …

Rankin Anti-Liquor Flier Bashes Jackson

The Clarion-Ledger is reporting:

Macon, Miss., Contractor Escapes; 11 More Troops Killed

AP is reporting: "In a daring escape, American hostage Thomas Hamill pried open the doors of the house where he was being held late Sunday morning and ran a half-mile …


JUST IN: House Passes Bailout Plan 263-171; Stocks Rally, Then Fall

See: JFP Business Blog

The U.S. House of Representatives today passed the Senate's bailout plan on the second try. Mississippi congressmen voted the same as they did Monday—with the three Democrats opposing the bailout …

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Interrupting the Poverty Cycle: Looking Back to Move Forward in Mississippi

Otibehia Allen's days in the Mississippi Delta start and end with her five children—three boys and two girls. She feeds them. Clothes them. Their well-being rests on her shoulders. She …


Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge?

A new book, by Susan Jacoby, asks this question, especially about why so many Americans are so little interested in actual facts before forming (and spewing) opinions. Read more, as …


Howard Dean on How Obama Improved on HIS Strategy

I ran into Howard Dean, chairman of Democratic Party, in the Grove, being yanked around by his handlers. I pointed out that there are similarities between the way he ran …


Dan Joyner

I met with Dan Joyner recently at Cups, in the heart of the Fondren district where, as Joyner puts it, people interested in the arts can hang out together. Joyner, …

Editor's Note

Peace, Prosperity and Tolerance

Every December now for about a decade, we have asked the Jackson Free Press staff members to sign hundreds of holiday greeting cards that we send to freelancers, advertising clients, …


[Balko] How Drug Cops Go Bad

If you browse the website of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), you will notice a conspicuous theme: The war on drugs is corrupting America's cops.

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Hinds DA, Sheriff Hopefuls Share Plans, Philosophies in Primary Bid

During the run-up to the Hinds County primaries on Aug. 6, the word "reform" flies around a lot in the two races that have the most direct effect on the …