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Frank Melton

Melton to Clarion-Ledger: ‘Go to Hell'

We see that Mr. Melton is back in town with a flourish. The Clarion-Ledger is reporting today:


Lifting the Hoods in Baltimore

So, do y'all think this frat at the hoity-toity Johns Hopkins University on up in Baltimore is integrated?!? AP is reporting:

Editor's Note

Why Jackson Doesn't Need 'Superman'

Also see Darren Schwindaman's cartoon.

Report: Saddam Not In Pursuit of Weapons

AP is reporting: "Undercutting the Bush's administration's rationale for invading Iraq, the final report of the chief U.S. arms inspector concludes that Saddam Hussein did not vigorously pursue a program …


Radical Right Targets Girl Empowerment Effort

Oct. 14, 2005—AP is reporting that the Tupelo wingnuts are at it again:


Kaze's Hip-Hop Hater of the Week: Ebony Magazine

Here we go again folks. America just can't seem to do anything without going to the absolute extreme. As I expected the en-vogue pursuit to clean up objectionable lyrics is …


City Ends Precinct-by-Precinct Crime Stats

Not that it made the front page as any story about the previous administration and crime stats used to, but The Clarion-Ledger has a story today about how the new …

Editor's Note

Hands Off Our Printing Presses

May 24, 2006 How to Help Save Local Media I met Marilyn, perfectly dressed and wearing her lipstick, on a late Friday afternoon. And Mike, who ponders with his head …

Tease photo Cover

Fighting Back In Klan Nation

When Mary Geraldine Briggs heard a horn blaring outside her small house, under shady oak trees on Highway 84 in Roxie, Miss., she would go get the shotgun and head …

Editor's Note

Take the Time to Do It Right

Last Sunday two Clarion-Ledger columnists expressed dismay at Mayor Frank Melton's string of public proclamations that turned out to be more hype than good, legal policy—telling city board members to …

Editor's Note

Of Anger and Alternative Endings

When I was a teenager, I decided I wanted to be a civil-rights attorney. I had visions of righting the kinds of wrongs done in my hometown of Philadelphia, Miss. …

Editor's Note

The Folks Are Coming

A JFP reader commented on our Web site Tuesday that it is a very different world in which citizens can watch live feeds of a trial on WAPT's Web site …


The 2009 JFP Interview with Frank Melton, Part V: To the DEA?

In this long excerpt of JFP editor Donna Ladd's interview with Frank Melton in February, he talks about why he's running for re-election, dying with dignity, the City Council, his …


Clarion-Ledger: Wilcher Must Die

In an editorial today, The Clarion-Ledger explains its support of the death penalty and why it is good that the state is going to kill Bobby Glen Wilcher today:

Frank Melton

Melton Ramps Up Morals Crusade

Mayor Frank Melton is showing his feminist side in his attempts to close down all sexually oriented entertainment in Jackson and "redefine" life in Jackson as we know it. The …

Editor's Note

We Need A Mayor, Not A Daddy

It is going to be painfully ironic—and useless—if the recent murder spate is the factor that finally gets the Jackson media to start questioning Mayor Frank Melton. Unless proven otherwise, …

Editor's Note

My Kind of Tea Party

Recently, I was asked to appear on a local cable talk show to talk about issues of the day. I didn't think much about it; it sounded easy and innocent …

D.A. Peterson Concedes, Goes Home

With 98 percent of precincts reporting and Robert Smith leading by 1,183 votes, District Attorney Faye Peterson just conceded defeat in the Red Room at Hal & Mal's, saying that …