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UPDATED/URGENT: What to Donate NOW in Jackson/on the Coast

This thread orginally started Tuesday, Aug. 30, and has been updated over the last several days. Be sure to read the comments to the bottom to determine the way you …

Frank Melton

AG Investigating Allegations of Melton Crimes

Sources interviewed by Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood's office have confirmed that he is actively investigating the events of the evening of Saturday, Aug. 26, as well as previous allegations …

Chief Anderson Out; Gerald Jones Interim Chief


Mayor Frank E. Melton announced Wednesday that he is implementing a change in leadership at the Jackson Police Department. Police Chief Shirlene Anderson has been offered a new position as …


Missing Shannon: Family Wants Closure

August 29, 1999, was the last time Theresa McKinney heard from her daughter, Shannon. It was the mother's birthday, and Shannon always called her mother back home in Omaha, Neb., …

Editor's Note

Crashing the D.A.'s Party

It didn't take long for Frank Melton to come out of the closet on Election night as a primary force in Robert Smith's district attorney campaign. Raw footage of Smith's …


Melton Calls Councilman a ‘Goddamn Idiot'

Mayor Frank Melton showed his dark side publicly yesterday while in a meeting to try to figure how to alleviate his $3 million budget deficit from last year. The Clarion-Ledger …

Tease photo City & County

Out of the Shadows: Ronnie Crudup Jr. Brings Youth, Business to Forefront

Many Jacksonians did not know Ronnie Crudup Jr. before he announced as a candidate for mayor.


Dirty Tricks Against Obama ... Already

Per Joe Conason over at Salon, the right-wing machine is pulling some old dirty tricks out of its archive:


Barbour Overblowing Katrina Progress Claims

Read JFP's KatrinaBlog

Bill Minor takes Gov. Haley Barbour to task this week over the myth that the Coast is in such better shape a year after Katrina:


Transcript: JFP Interview with DA Candidate Robert Smith

Interview by Adam Lynch

How old are you?I'm 36.


Who Are Mississippi's Top Sports Heroes of All Time?

Folks, we're preparing a special sports issue and want to get your nominations of the best sports heroes from/in Mississippi of all time. Talk to us.


JUST IN: Voting Irregularities Reported

Secretary of State Eric Clark just faxed this letter to Attorney General Mike Moore and U.S. Attorneys Jim Greenlee and Dunn Lampton, warning of potential violations of election laws.

Frank Melton

Citizens Protest Crime Firings Tuesday at City Council

(Update: Supporters of community policing are calling for Jacksonians to go to City Council meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday downtown at City Hall to call for the mayor and police …

Cases DA Peterson Has Tried

Here is a preview of information we have in the print edition this week. We did some factchecking in response to Robert Smith's comment that Peterson isn't involved in trying …


Little Love for Levees

The meeting room for the Rankin-Hinds Pearl Flood and Drainage Control District Levee Board in Flowood filled with rancor Monday, Feb. 8, after the board learned that the state Legislature …


Grand White Party

Saddest of all is that the Republican Party has essentially made no strides on race issues, as was in shocking evidence last night as Sarah Palin, Rudy Guiliani and Mitt …

Frank Melton

Purvis: ‘Melton Did Not Put Me in the Race'

Jackson 2000 held a district attorney candidate forum today at noon at Schimmel's. The Jackson Free Press moderated, asking questions provided by audience members. We will have a full report …

Frank Melton

David Hampton ‘Worried' About Frank Melton

It seems that concern is growing over at The Clarion-Ledger for their hand-picked choice for mayor. Editorial Director David Hampton writes today:

Frank Melton

Melton's Boys Come to His Defense

Additional reporting by Ward Schaefer

Three of Mayor Frank Melton's previous mentees, and the mother of another who died more than a decade ago, have filed affidavits in support of their mentor's efforts in what …