All results / Stories / Donna Ladd


Mississippi Deals Personhood Movement a Resounding Defeat

Nov. 8, 2011 -- Tonight was not a good night for the national Personhood USA movement that tried to push Initiative 26 in Mississippi. The opponents took some 60 percent …


Wink, Wink: The ShopLocal™ Scam

When the Jackson Free Press launched our Web site and published our first print edition in September 2002, we immediately started urging our readers to "Think Global, Shop Local." The …


Barbour Denies NAFTA Charge

(Aug. 14, 2003, press release from Musgrove campaign) (Jackson, MS) Haley Barbour is trying to deny his involvement with NAFTA and to minimize the scope of his work for the …


Opponents: Barbour Helped Mexico Steal Miss. Jobs

The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal reports on assertions by both Tyner and Musgrove yesterday at the Neshoba County Fair that Haley Barbour's lobbying for Mexico cost jobs in Mississippi. "The …

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Flipping the 'Race Card'

I almost spewed coffee all over my screen. I had just opened a "Haley Barbour" news alert and read that our esteemed former governor had accused Democrats of playing the …

Editor's Note

Fight or Fight

It's an odd world where Councilman Kenny Stokes is standing with FOX News celebrities who care more about profiling young blacks than protecting citizens' rights. But in the aftermath of …


Creative Class War

Creative Class guru Richard Florida has a long, compelling piece on Alternet about political culture wars in the U.S. He writes: "The last 20 years has seen the rise of …


[Talk] Rebels for NAFTA

Every year at the Neshoba County Fair, candidates bring in college students to do their dirty work. They did it back when I was head of "Students for Stennis" at …

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Our Journalism Seeks Solutions Over Blame and Partisanship

I'm a journalist to find solutions for issues such as youth crime. And that means seeking the various causes first to get there. That is why the journalism in the …


Did Thompson Protect Barbour, GOP in 1990s?

The official entry of Fred Thompson into the presidential fray is causing some old GOP problems to be pulled from the memory hole and given a fresh light in a …

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Living Local

When the Jackson Free Press launched in 2002, one of our primary goals was to help strengthen locally owned businesses.

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Mississippi Women: Time to ‘Personhood’ Donald Trump, Mike Pence

Mississippi women turned back Personhood in 2011. Now, we need to vote against two men likely to limit everything from the birth-control pill to in vitro fertilization, from affordable cancer …

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Coming Home to the Washington Addition

Linda Knight was only 18 when she snuck into the Afro Lounge on Lynch Street one night in 1973 and met the man who would take her out of the …


Passing the Torch to Obama

Letter to the editor,

It's a new thing for Mississippians to have the world giving a damn about how we're going to vote on something. But the primary next week suddenly is drawing international …


Gannett's ‘Career Builder' Layoff-Tax Break-Gate

Over on the Gannett Blog, Jim Hopkins has The Clarion-Ledger's home office on the defensive after he reported that the company laid off hundreds of Career Builder workers after getting …

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Republic Group Booked New Yarber Response Ads, Targets 'Historically Hostile' Districts

A "pro-business" politics firm has confirmed that it has placed all of Tony Yarber's TV ads this election cycle, including a number of ads tonight to respond to negative advertising …


Clarion-Ledger No Longer a ‘Newspaper'?

My, my. It seems that Gannett Co. is causing consternation in its news room and talk in the newspaper industry by its decisions to turn its newspapers into "information center" …

Tease photo Politics

Caller to Black JFP Writer: 'I want to offer her a plane ticket back to Africa' (LISTEN)

"I want to offer her a plane ticket back to Africa if she thinks America is so bad. Um, I would love to pay for her ticket. Also tell her …

Lott Uses Old Campaign Cash to Help Lobbying Clients

The Associated Press is reporting that former Sen. Trent Lott is redirecting leftover campaign millions to lawmakers who can help his new high-profile lobbying clients—and it's legal: