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Frank Melton

Council Wants to Subpoena City 1099s

The question of city hires—who they are, especially—has come up again, pitting Council against Mayor Frank Melton's administration.

Frank Melton

Frank Melton to North Jackson: "It's Over!"

Mayoral hopeful Frank Melton has called his race against Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. before it ever began. "It's over!" he exclaimed to 35 wealthy women gathered at a breakfast meet-and-greet-and-fund-raise …


Eaves Launches Anti-Barbour Web site

The John Arthur Eaves campaign just e-mailed a link to a new Web site devoted to giving what they call the real story on Haley Barbour's record. The site opens …


Bush ‘hatred'; Wilson Carroll Talks Back

Very compelling column by E. J. Dionne Jr. in the Washington Post: "Republicans won in 2002, but Bush lost most Democrats forever. Conservative critics of "Bush hatred" like to argue …


Clarion-Ledger: Don't Fund Children's Justice Center

A Clarion-Ledger editorial today says that the MCI settlement should only fund telecommunications-related causes:

Ole Miss Student Kills Campus Police Officer

The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal is reporting that a second-year Ole Miss student has been arrested for dragging and killing a campus police officer after he was pulled over for …


Out With the Old: Obama Clinches

Finally, we can get that Clinton baggage off our backs and move on. The Associated Press says Obama has "effectively" clinched the nomination. Big sigh of relief. Out with the …


Election Post-Mortem

Well, all, there weren't a lot of surprises Tuesday night, and a lot of our prayers about the state rising above the race game went unanswered ... for now. But …

OBAMA WINS; Eyes on Mississippi Tonight

Thoughts? Comments? Returns? Concerns?

The polls just closed, and the world is watching Mississippi's Democratic primary. (Sit up straight.)


We Are Family: A Klan Child Fans A Different Flame

Photos by Kate Medley

Little Shirley Seale was in her room at the back of her wood frame house when she saw flames through her window. The Natchez girl, who was 5 in 1968, …

President Ford: Iraqi War, WMD Story a ‘Mistake"

Bob Woodward did an interview with President Ford in 2004 that was embargoed by the former president until after his death. It is published today in the Washington Post, along …


Harvey Johnson Leads in New Mayoral Phone Survey

Verbatim from Brad Chism:

Friends, Below is a topline from the survey yesterday. Further below is a repeat of the explanations and qualifiers-these are important. From the blog traffic it appears that some don't …


Ann Coulter Really Bears Her Fangs

It's truly hard to be uglier than this women. It's amazing to think that The Clarion-Ledger runs this idiot every week. First her indifference to actual facts to support her …


Clarion-Ledger Moves In; Indy Media Boxes/Racks Trashed

What citizens can do. June 20, 2006—A little while ago, calls started coming in from the reservoir area, telling us that our racks and boxes, and those of other members …

Frank Melton

Day 4: Dr. Ellen Melton in Front Row

Photo: Dr. Ellen Melton leaves the courtroom after closing arguments today with city employee Stephanie Parker-Weaver (left). Melton, the wife of the mayor, lives in Texas. Photo by Jaro Vacek. …


Trying To Make It Right

The e-mail about the Jackson doctor came all the way from Canada. Hollis Brown, a singer/songwriter in Saskatchewan, wanted to know if an e-mail he had received, calling New Orleans …

David Bowen Admonishes Black Mississippians

In a bizarre column today in The Clarion-Ledger, former Congressman David Bowen, a Democrat, first says that blacks and whites in Mississippi need a "new" dialogue, then proceeds to tell …

Tease photo Candidate

‘It’s Not About Me’: The JFP Interview with Mayoral Hopeful Frank Bluntson

Jackson City Councilman Frank Bluntson, 77, is not exactly a newcomer to local politics: He has served almost eight years on the Jackson City Council, and several as council president.


Grant Me Justice: Two Women Killed in Two Weeks

Enjoying the slight drop in temperature on Monday, Sept. 17, Doris Shavers sat laughing with friends and family in her mother Ethel Sanders' front yard where the family liked to …

Frank Melton

JUST IN: Lumumba: Stop Melton's ‘Jackson Gestapo'

Audio of press conference: Lumumba_21207.mp3 (8.3MB)