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All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Toyota Building Eco-Friendly Plant in Mississippi

[verbatim release from governor's office] Toyota Motor Corp.'s designation of its Mississippi plant as a worldwide model of environmentally-friendly operations is a dramatic statement of confidence in the Mississippi project, …

New Film Incentives for Mississippi

[verbatim] Jackson, Miss. (May 13, 2008) – Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has signed HB 1351, creating new incentives for the motion picture and television industry. The rebate program applies to …

FEMA Clears Disaster Relief for Hinds County

[verbatim from Gov. Barbour's office] Governor Haley Barbour has been notified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that Hinds County will receive a major disaster declaration from the President due …


Who's Scaring Whom?

April 14, 2004 -- This is a weird press release from Gov. Barbour's folks, blaming school administrators, who are facing funding cuts thanks to the governor and the Senate, for …

Barbour Adds Farish to Special Session Call

[verbatim statement] Governor Haley Barbour today amended the current Special Session call to include an initiative allowing the sale of alcohol in Jackson's Farish Street historic district. "At the request …


WTF, Barbour? You Are in the EXECUTIVE Branch.

Gov. Haley Barbour sent out a press statement yesterday in which he doesn't bother to hide that he plans to work "closely" with two new conservative members of the Mississippi …


Sid Salter on Haley Barbour

In the Sept. 13 issue of National Journal: "I think (Barbour's) been successful in changing his image from someone who just showed up on Crossfire to a guy who rolled …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Stop Glamorizing the Cruelty of Racist Ancestors

"The Legislature put up this flag as a stated symbol of white supremacy in 1894 as all those hideous soldier statues were popping up with their sappy remembrances, and it …


Building Business

Gov. Haley Barbour has long been bullish on Mississippi's business environment, announcing every new business his administration brings into the state—large and small—and every new development with great fanfare.


Barbour Appoints Malcolm Harrison to DeLaughter's Old Judge Spot

Verbatim from Gov. Barbour's office this morning:

Jackson, Mississippi – Governor Haley Barbour today announced the appointment of S. Malcolm O. Harrison, of Jackson, as Circuit Court Judge for the Seventh Judicial District, Sub-district 4, serving Hinds …


A Giuliani-Barbour Ticket: Just Imagine

I just ran into this post on the Think Progress blog that is basically saying what I was earlier about all the revelations about his "blind trust" and his Katrina …

Tease photo City & County

Mayor Lumumba on Murders: Police Cannot 'Enter the Minds and Stop These People'

Mayor Chokwe A. Lumumba sent out a statement addressing several murders that roiled the capital city over the weekend—from a preacher killed in the Washington Addition to a teenager killed …


Radio JFP at Noon Thursday; Crisler May Appear

Councilman Marshand Crisler is joining Donna Ladd and Todd Stauffer today at noon for Radio JFP on WLEZ-FM (103.7 or http://www.wlezfm.com for a live stream)—if he can get out of …


Keep Up the Reform Momentum

Former Gov. Haley Barbour's unprecedented spate of last-minute pardons brought numerous issues regarding some of Mississippi's antiquated customs into the glaring light of national media attention.

Domestic Violence

Barbour's Shameful Pardons

We first heard that then-Gov. Haley Barbour had pardoned another wife-killer Saturday night on WLBT after the Saints game. From there, the news snowballed, with another wife-killer added to the …


Medicaid Train Wreck

The most momentous action so far during the special session wasn't technically on the agenda: Gov. Haley Barbour signed HB 1434 Wednesday, May 26, a "landmark" bill to cut $106 …


Keep Up the Reform Momentum

Former Gov. Haley Barbour's unprecedented spate of last-minute pardons brought numerous issues regarding some of Mississippi's antiquated customs into the glaring light of national media attention.


New answers up from Max Phillips

I have to say, two of the agriculture commissioner candidates, both Republicans, are leading the pack on substantive questionnaires as far as I can see. You've got to go read …