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All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Tis the Season to Stop Judging the Poor

Bare feet don't have bootstraps. You catapult from day-to-day, trying to stay ahead enough not to go hungry or have the lights turned off, even if you eat milk and …

Tease photo Editor's Note

Conceiving a Smarter Future

We're on an arc of history where too many of our lawmakers (and voters) aren't willing to address the disparities that our racist history created—unequal school funding due to forced, …

Tease photo Editor's Note

Mississippi: Clawing to the Top

As we've all been riding high in recent weeks over the Mississippi State football team's meteoric rise on the media radar, we've all seen those tweets. You know, the anti-Mississippi …

Tease photo Editor's Note

From Affleck to Baltimore: Sh*t Our Ancestors Did

Forget a "sagging feeling"—it's a gut-punch to discover you descend from a slave owner or plantation overseer, especially when your relatives have laughed off such a notion your whole life, …

Tease photo Business

Nothing Personal, Walmart, But Local Is Better

We don't mean to brag, but the Jackson Free Press has long been a proponent of the concept of shopping local first starting nearly 13 years ago when we published …

Person of the Day

Rwth Ashton

The unusual spelling of her first name is not the only thing compelling about the new Millsaps College chaplain, who comes to Jackson by way of Belzoni and Boston, among …


Temple for Talent, by Eric Stracener

Since the heyday of recording on Farish Street passed, the only local label with any real national name recognition has been Malaco Records, which has continued with a steady output …

Editor's Note

The Next Generation

Those are six words I never expected to say. I grew up, like many restless kids, thinking my town was the most backward place on earth. That's normal. But when …


Down a Southern Road

Monday, June 21, is the 40th anniversary of the deaths of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.

Tease photo Editor's Note

Living the Dream in Post-1523 Mississippi

Progressive thinkers here are working to leave hate-drenched politics behind, to get enough people motivated to vote to use our purple demographics to send a strong message at the polls …

Tease photo Editor's Note

Trump’s Politically Correct Call for Bigotry, Hate

It's really hard to find a stronger sign that Donald Trump hopes to become a fascist dictator of people and thought in America, and he's playing to very ugly instincts …

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My Only Egg Bowl Regret

David Rae Morris and I both really wish our dads were here to witness this magical season—one in which both teams have helped take a lot of glory away from …

Tease photo Politics

Mississippi Women: Time to ‘Personhood’ Donald Trump, Mike Pence

Mississippi women turned back Personhood in 2011. Now, we need to vote against two men likely to limit everything from the birth-control pill to in vitro fertilization, from affordable cancer …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Of Breast Cancer and the Warrior’s Life

I feel like a warrior ready to turn the strength I’ve honed over my lifetime to my own health and spirit and that of my loved ones, especially my hero …

Tease photo Politics

DOSSIER: GOP's Red-baiting Mailer Template, Campaign Lies, Bryant Miffed

Republicans are already sending out glossy mailers warming up the crowd in Mississippi and other southern states to the necessity of electing Trump apologists and enablers—that is pretty much what …


Mr. Positive Headed into Second Divorce

I sure am glad I missed the days of Mr. Positive Mississippi into the governor's mansion, although it sure was entertaining enough from a distance. Why is it that people …


The Scene of the Crime ... and a Klansman

After leaving Mt. Zion, I took the women reporters to Road 515, also known as Rock Cut Road, to show them where the three men were taken and killed.