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EDITOR'S NOTE: In Love, Life and Work, Do the Right Thing and Wait

"The word 'power is often misused. It's not about money or controlling everything. To me, showing unconditional love for a partner, a city, a state or a nation through the …

Tease photo City & County

Yep, JPS Takeover Is a Conspiracy. Prove Me Wrong.

The predictability of all this takeover hoohaa isn't lost on anyone who comprehends Mississippi's history of racial dynamics, white flight and victim-blaming.

Tease photo Editor's Note

Inherit the Flame

I haven't written much over the years about the man I like to think of as my "real father." Maybe it's too painful.


Hate Is as Hate Does

"So when is the Southern Poverty Law Center going to file a lawsuit against the man who killed Mr. Patel?" This was only one of many comments I've seen since …

Frank Melton

BREAKING: Judge Won't Rule on Melton Health Today

Full JFP Melton Archive/Blog

District Court Judge Dan Jordan's office has confirmed that he will not rule on Mayor Frank Melton's ability to stand trial next week until Wednesday morning. According to an order, …


Stop the ‘Boys Will Be Boys' Attitude; It Kills Women

As we approach Chick Ball weekend—starting with a poignant one-woman show about a victim of domestic abuse and ending with a celebration of women and their art—I urge everyone to …

Tease photo Civil Rights

EDITOR'S NOTE: Learning to Roar in Mississippi from Anne, Hazel and Fannie Lou

Mississippi has long had women warriors who don't flinch at attempts to make them shut our little mouths, who stare back, who write scathing columns, who get the hell beaten …

Tease photo Editor's Note

The Art and Craft of Dak Prescott

I love that the 23-year-old tells anyone who will listen that his success so far is about how hard he works on his craft. It's almost like he is intentionally …


Bill Minor on the Willie Morris Library

I just ran into Mr. Minor's column about the Willie Morris library dedication. And I'm honored that he repeated what I told him at the dedication in it. The Jackson …


CNN Money Wants to Hear from Jacksonians on Inauguration

All, CNN Money editor Amy Haimerl -- a very good friend of mine and the JFP -- is working on CNN Money's "real people" galleries. In advance of the inauguration, …

Big Fix Rig Needs Cats to Spay This Week

If you have a cat that needs to be fixed—you know who you are—the Big Rig Fix is doing low-cost spays and neuters in Jackson five days a month, and …


Isbister and Ladd to Host Radio JFP Friday Noon

Listen is as Laurel Isbister and Donna Ladd bring you Radio JFP this week on WLEZ-FM, 103.7. Listen to the live stream at here.


Cotton Is King, by Steve Cheseborough

Eddie Cotton Jr. doesn't see any reason to leave Jackson. "Man, this town has been good to me," says the 32-year-old blues singer-guitarist. "They show appreciation. If you get to …

Tease photo City & County

EDITOR'S NOTE: None of Us Is Safe from Hate

Each of us must use our gifts to heal our city, our state and our nation. We are kicking off our #MSCitizensAgenda to better understand challenges facing Mississippians through public …

Tease photo coronavirus

EDITOR'S NOTE: Dear Dr. Dobbs, Mississippi Needs Precise COVID-19 Data

It’s often been a slog to get good and relevant information about the spread of the coronavirus that isn’t either confusing or incomplete, or what we get may combine apples …

Tease photo City & County

A Violence Talk That Might Have Been

It felt more like a bait-and-switch. But maybe the City Hall gathering was a start of a new way of thinking about crime prevention in the capital city.

Tease photo Development

‘One Lake’ Tax Sails Forward

Previous plans to dramatically remake the portion of the Pearl River that flows through the Jackson metropolitan area ran aground, but legislation is sailing toward the governor's desk that would …

Tease photo Editor's Note

2016 Election: A Tough Time for Women

Women, we must no longer consent to walk on eggshells and allow ourselves to be interrupted and belittled by men, whether "below" or "above" us in a pecking order. And …


Milkshakes and French fries on this road? Probably not, huh?

The JFP Road to Wellness came at a wacky time for Todd and me. It started the week we were closing the new BOOM Jackson, as well as the summer …