All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Editor's Note

Letter To A Young Mayor

First, allow me to thank you for giving me so much of your time over the last six weeks. Your frankness in our series of interviews seems to have captivated …


ABC Disgraces Itself During Debate

The world is talking today about how poorly ABC's George Stephanopolous and Charles Gibson handled themselves during last night's Democratic debate. Over on The Root, Marc Lamont Hill writes:


We Are Family: A Klan Child Fans A Different Flame

Photos by Kate Medley

Little Shirley Seale was in her room at the back of her wood frame house when she saw flames through her window. The Natchez girl, who was 5 in 1968, …


Abortion Ban Attempt Dies in Conference

More details as they develop ...

Tonight, the 8 p.m. bill deadline came and went at the Mississippi Legislature without an agreement out of conference. Thus, the abortion ban bill died.

Frank Melton

BREAKING: Did Mayor Fire Cops for Muddling Domestic Case?

Sources tell the Jackson Free Press that Mayor Frank Melton may have fired police officers who muddled the response to reports on Ludlow Street Monday that Henry Phillips, 50, was …


[Road to Wellness] Keep On Keepin' On, Weeks 7 and 8

I finally joined the Y this week and promise to regale all of you with my (no doubt funny) escapades there. I've been drinking smoothies every day and eating OK, …

Editor's Note

The Future Is for the Passionate

Whew, that's over. Or maybe it is. As I type this, it is Election Day, and our blogs are on fire over this election. Jakob just showed up wearing his …

Editor's Note

The Weak Shall Inherit The State

A coalition of children's advocates are declaring 2005 the "Year of the Child" in Mississippi. It's about damned time. It's way past the point that we Mississippians must start standing …

Editor's Note

The Hope Sleeps Tonight

What a week of pure, unadulterated emotion. As we put out this issue—the first one with power and resources and staff fully restored—I am spent due to what I've seen, …

Editor's Note

The Best Of Times, The Worst Of Times

Last year began on a high note for the Jackson Free Press, and it's closing on a high note—with our readership at an all-time high, our position as the city's …

Domestic Violence

The Path of Least Drama

Everyone who reads me regularly knows that I despise the question "Why does she stay?" when asked about domestic-abuse victims.


Here and Now

"We have an appointment with life that takes place in the present moment." — Thich Nhat Nanh

Editor's Note

Jackson, Let's Shoot for the Top

As I write this Tuesday, I have no idea who will be the Democratic nominee for mayor when you read this. As always happens in Jackson and Mississippi, it's been …


Evacuees Saying Contraflow in Mississippi ‘a Joke'

On the Gambit Weekly blog, New Orleans evacuees are complaining that the contraflow plan fell apart in Mississippi today. "Huck" wrote:

3 More Soldiers Die in Iraq; 8 in Last 3 Days

On the day that a high-level White House office was indicted for trying to cover up lies told to justify invading Iraq in the first place, three more American soldiers …

Clinton's Plan for ‘Forgotten' Afghanistan

Hillary Clinton's Plan for the Forgotten Front Line in Afghanistan

With the Mississippi primary next week, suddenly the Clinton campaign is courting Mississippi voters with a vengeance. This is one of her statements that are filling our inbox today/verbatim:


Lose Your Home, Lose Your Vote?

[Verbatim] Today the voting rights group Project Vote sent letters to both major political parties in 10 states—AZ, CO, FL, GA, MO, NC, NM, NV, PA, and VA—urging them to …


MVP Eli Chooses Hybrid Escalade

Maybe, sort of, Super Bowl MVP Eli Manning set an example for others when he and fiancee Abby McGrew chose the new Escalade Hybrid as his reward for being named …


Is Political Change Afoot?

"Bullet proof." "Political invulnerability." "Going to win." "Sure loser." The problem with conventional wisdom is that it is usually more self-fulfilling than wise, especially when promulgated by folks who just …