All results / Stories / Donna Ladd


Update: ‘Jena 6' Sentence Overturned

Update: Today a Louisiana appeals court overturned the conviction of Mychal Bell, one of the "Jena 6" who were facing severe charges for their end of a racially tinged feud …


Jackson to The Clarion-Ledger: GO HOME

Well, the Clarion-Ledger edit-boyz have finally come so full circle on their ridiculous support of Melton and their horrendous reporting on him during the campaign and over the years. Today …

Editor's Note

Young, Impressive, Ours

When freelance writer Greg Pigott turned in his write-up of Mark Scott of Callaway High School for this "Amazing Teens" issue, he wrote: "I wish I had more words to …


Clarion-Ledger ‘Shopping' Section Ignores Local Stores

The Clarion-Ledger tried to make a big deal out of new pages it was added to the Sunday edition, so we grabbed one to see what the big deal was. …

Editor's Note

[Editor's Note] Young, Impressive, Ours

When freelance writer Greg Pigott turned in his write-up of Mark Scott of Callaway High School for this "Amazing Teens" issue, he wrote: "I wish I had more words to …


It's Really Is About Turnout, Stupid!

The JFP has repeated the T-word incessantly since we launched in 2002. That is, conventional "wisdom" about basing political strategy on who has, and has not, voted in the past …

Tease photo City & County

DA’s Attorney Looking for Tapes, Informant; Says AG Hiding Him

Defense counsel James Waide III may have revealed the name of the confidential informant who taped Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith and then provided tapes to the Mississippi …

All Eyes on Jena, La., Today

The JFP's Maggie Burks is in Jena, La., today continuing her http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/comments.php?id=14884_0_67_0_C ]coverage of the Jena 6 case that she started in early August when she went to cover Al …

Cases DA Peterson Has Tried

Here is a preview of information we have in the print edition this week. We did some factchecking in response to Robert Smith's comment that Peterson isn't involved in trying …

Frank Melton

UPDATED: Ridgeway Minor Arrested for Armed Carjacking

Also see Schwindaman's cartoon story: Adventures of Above-the-Law Man!


The Mayor and His Star Witness

Video still courtesy of WAPT

Christopher "Smiley" Walker was re-arrested Monday by U.S. Marshals for failing a routine urinalysis drug test required by his probation officer. Six days earlier, he had sat beside Mayor Frank …

Frank Melton

Day 1: JFP Blogs Figure Prominently in Voir Dire

On Monday, defense attorney Merrida Coxwell Jr. conducted voir dire for Melton. In his second question, he asked if any potential juror read or made comments on media blogs, specifically …

Frank Melton

Day 3: Stokes Testifies; Defense Rests

Reporting by Brian Johnson

The defense elected to call only one more witness this afternoon—Councilman Kenneth Stokes. Under direct questioning by Melton attorney Dale Danks, Stokes said he had lodged complaints about drugs in …

BREAKING: Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff Indicted, Five Counts

Word is that Dick Cheney's chief of staff will be the first to go down. Meantime, check out this Salon piece that defrocks Cheney's inner circle:


Rudy Giuliani, Family (Values) Man

The "family values" mantra of the national Republican Party must really be in trouble when this is one of their front-runners:


Noose Found on Door of Black Columbia Professor

Well, if anything, the Jena 6 situation is going to expose the racism and bigotry in our midst—all of our midst. And that is a damn good thing. We've got …

Walker on the Run

Christopher Walker told the Jackson Free Press three weeks ago that either someone from his old Wood Street neighborhood would shoot him, or he would shoot one of them. And …

Editor's Note

Why Jackson Doesn't Need 'Superman'

Also see Darren Schwindaman's cartoon.


Dear Dog Owners: Your Pets Are in Danger

A little beagle with a blue collar on Arrowhead Drive in Fondren is going to die soon. I hate to be so blunt, but whoever owns that dog is irresponsible, …