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How to Stir Up 'Holy Mischief'

"Speaking of Faith" had an amazing interview with young Christian Shane Clayborne this morning. I wasn't familiar with his work, or his book, but he was just breathtaking. The Tennessee …


Men Who Hate Women on the Web

Joan Walsh of Salon has a fascinating story about how women are often treated online, using the ugly attacks on Kathy Sierra as an example. She writes:

Domestic Violence

Barbour Pardons Helped Many More White People Than Black Ones

I'm sure this will come as a surprise to no one, but it's official: Haley Barbour's last-minute pardons overwhelmingly benefitted whites. A Reuters team, including stringer and JFP political freelancer …


Madison Sheriff Candidate Bashes Jackson in Disturbing Ad

This dude, Mark Sandridge, shouldn't be elected dog catcher after this expensively offensive–and inaccurate–campaign ad. Shame!


Understanding Mr. Melton: Go See 'A Soldier's Play' at New Stage

Last night, Todd and I went to New Stage Theatre to see "A Soldier's Play" (the play that the film "A Soldier's Story" was based on). Folks, this is a …


Arizona Shootings Offer A Pivotal Moment

Since the horrifying assassination attempt on Saturday, which left a wonderful little girl, a judge and several other Americans dead, America has come face-to-face to the level of violence possible …


Testimonial: Spirit Freedom

Leading up to the 2010, the Jackson Free Press asked domestic-abuse survivors to tell their stories. This is one of the pieces we received, republished verbatim.


6th Annual 2010 JFP Chick Ball is July 24

The Jackson Free Press created the JFP Chick Ball in 2004 for two reasons: to raise education about and money to fight domestic abuse in Mississippi; and to showcase women …


Our Haley Barbour: The 'Anti-Obama'?

Newsweek has a story this week asking if Haley Barbour will be the next president. The story starts:


'ShopLocal' Blog Declares War on JFP; Says We're 'Misinformed'

In a post that can only be called "jaw-dropping" in its hubris, Gannett's ShopLocal™ blog has taken major umbrage with the JFP's special local-business issue last week, which exposed "local …


Oh, Tortoise, Oh Hare: Those Confusing Political Fables

The Marshand Crisler campaign is sending out a rather bizarre campaign mailer using the children's fable of the tortoise and the hare. The only problem is that this particular fable …


Sunshine Week, Part II: How to Demand More Open Gov't

1. Government workers who ask "why do you want to see THAT?" (It's none of their business.)

This is the week when media love to talk about "sunshine" and openness in government. (See my earlier blog post about how The Clarion-Ledger mangled their sunshine story earlier this …


Krugman: Obama's Budget Is 'Very, Very Good'

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman writes in his New York Times column that President Obama is taking the country in the right direction in his new budget:


Sign of the Future? Gannett Detroit Paper 3X Week?

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the Detroit Free Press, the Gannett-owned daily newspaper in Detroit, Mich., is likely to scale back home delivery to three times a week. …


I Call Him 'Mr. Melton'

Well, it's kinda good to finally see a mea culpa column of sorts from David Hampton on his paper's endorsement of Frank Melton, or "Frank" as he and others over …


The GOP's 'Barack the Magic Negro' Flap

As if the Republican Party didn't need something else to divide it; the reaction to this will go a long way toward separting the wheat from the chaff. CBS News:


URGENT: Good Samaritan Center Needs Help NOW

Please read and do whatever you can do, folks:

[Verbatim] Dear Friends, The economy is hurting donations and Good Samaritan Center is challenged right now. In addition, Christmas is almost here and our social service staff has been busier …


Be a Santa's Helper for Jackson's Kids: Here's How

Remember, you get back from the universe what you give, especially in tough times. This December, help a needy child by donating toys to the Mississippi Children's Home Services. See …


The Real Sarah Palin Unveiled

Now, it seems, we're going to hear all about the woman who helped McCain lose the election. A Newsweek story out today starts telling the rest of the story:


Help Jim Hill's School Newspaper Get Going–DONE!

All, our good friend Emily Braden needs to raise $448 in five days to get this matching grant from the Gates Foundation to help her get her journalism program going …