All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Middleton and Ladd Discuss Chick Ball on WLBT

More information here on the 2008 Chick Ball.

Sandy Middleton, the director of the Center for Violence Prevention in Pearl, and JFP editor Donna Ladd will appear on WLBT's noon show Tuesday to talk about the 4th Annual …

Editor's Note

The Power of Now

When I moved back to Mississippi in 2001, I was naïve. I thought I was coming home to write about the past that shamed me as a white Mississippian. I …

Tease photo Editor's Note

Fire and Brimstone

For a minute, we toyed with having debates back at Neshoba Central High School in the 1970s.

Tease photo Civil Rights

Facing the Mirror, From Kingston Frazier to Karl Oliver

Little Kingston Frazier is our mirror. The brutal murder of this 6-year-old in Jackson last week reflected the absolute best and the abhorrent worst of our community.

Tease photo Civil Rights

An Editor and a Gentleman

An odd fluke of fate brought me to the patch of dirt where three civil rights workers were murdered in my home county, holding the hand of James Chaney's daughter …

Tease photo City & County

Mississippi GOP Shoots Out 'Shameful' Email About Chokwe Lumumba, Candidate Responds

Last night, the Mississippi GOP sent out an apparently-worried email about the possibility of Chokwe Antar Lumumba winning the capital city's mayor's race.


Lose the Chemicals!

The The Georgia Straight helps you figure out how to purge your home of household toxins: "Just as not smoking can reduce the risk of lung cancer, not using harmful …

JFP Night for "Santaland Diaries" TONIGHT at New Stage

Join the Jackson Free Press Friday, Dec. 16, for a special showing of "The Santaland Diaries" at New Stage Theater. You don't want to miss the hilarious and irreverent one-man …


Unbelievable: Press Can't Interview Palin Supporters

Press kept under a watchful eye

The St. Petersburg Times in Florida reports:

Editor's Note

[Editor's Note] A Romney Runs Through Us

Campaigning in Mississippi last week, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney set off a mini-firestorm in our offices. Sometime between joking about grits and forking up some hay, down-south style, Romney …

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Gentleman Caller: Always About a 'Black Person, a Black Person, a Black Person'

A caller to the Jackson Free Press today complained that we cover far too many black people and now to find some white people to write about.


[Editorial] We Like ‘Obamacare'

With the U.S. Supreme Court considering health-care reform, we thought we'd mention that (a) our health-insurance rates are down, (b) we appreciate the tax credits for our small business, and …


We Like ‘Obamacare'

With the U.S. Supreme Court considering health-care reform, we thought we'd mention that (a) our health-insurance rates are down, (b) we appreciate the tax credits for our small business, and …

Tease photo City & County

A Hunger to Live: The Struggle to Interrupt the Cycle of Violence

Several members of the “Undivided” crew told their story recently in Sheppards Brother Park in the Washington Addition.

Wanted: Weather Observers in Mississippi

[Verbatim] The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network, better known as CoCoRaHS, has recently expanded into Mississippi and is looking for volunteer weather observers across the Magnolia State! CoCoRaHS, …


Jamie Franks: ‘I'm Being Attacked'

Jamie Franks today sent out an e-mail to supporters, responding to the state (and national?) Republican Party's "liberal"-baiting campaign—"Too Liberal for Mississippi"—against him. Here is Franks' verbatim statement:


I'm in Love with Oliver

I'm not kidding. I am completely and utterly enamored with that sassy little monkey who wants so badly to get out of Tupelo, er, his cage in the Tupelo zoo. …

Tease photo Politics

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad GOP Race for U.S. Senate

The clock is ticking for Sen. Chris McDaniel's senatorial campaign to file a challenge to the U.S. Senate race run-off election results after the Mississippi Republican Party certified Thad Cochran's …

Tease photo Politics

DOSSIER: Shanda Yates' Win in Mississippi Inspires Voters, Teaches Lessons

If the last week has proved anything, it's that people in the U.S., in Mississippi and especially in the Jackson metropolitan area are excited about a political newcomer, Shanda Yates, …