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All results / Stories / Donna Ladd


Then I Got Mad

Click here to view a petition to recall Gov. Haley Barbour.


GOP Rhetoric About Hood ‘Corruption' Reprehensible

Todd and I made the mistake of watching the evening news last night. The attack ads were just plain horrifying. The one that disgusted me the most was Al and …


Clarion-Ledger Whining About ‘Tort Reform' ... Again

Gov. Haley Barbour's media partner in "tort reform" is now whining about Mississippi's position on the U.S. Chamber's state legal climate ranking, now asking the question they should have asked …


Remarks by Haley Barbour and Thad Cochran Today

Here are the transcribed remarks of Gov. Haley Barbour and Sen. Thad Cochran at today's MEMA press conference in Jackson. They only answered a few questions; Adam said an alarm …


[Media Buzz] A Poll Is A Poll Isn't A Poll

After the Jackson Free Press broke on our blog May 15 and then in our print edition May 18 that Gov. Haley Barbour has some of the worst gubernatorial approval …


Barbour Compares Health Reform to Jonestown Massacre

Gov. Haley Barbour embarrassed Mississippians again today by standing up alongside several Republican members of Congress and calling the Democratic health-insurance reform "catastrophic," then compared it to Jim Jones' infamous …

Domestic Violence

How We Must Respond to Haley Barbour's Pardons

It is heartening to see so many people in Mississippi and beyond respond with outrage over former Gov. Haley Barbour's pardons of so many men who killed wives and girlfriends, …

Tease photo Editorial

SUNSHINE WEEK: Public Needs Year-Round Access to Documents, Meetings, Donation Information

The JFP has long focused on the serious problem of campaign donation transparency in the state, especially that shielded by political action committees, and more recently the problem with city …


Our Haley Barbour: The 'Anti-Obama'?

Newsweek has a story this week asking if Haley Barbour will be the next president. The story starts:

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Weapons of Mass Destruction

The gun lobby has become too strong, too strident and a bit insane.

Tease photo Civil Rights

Win or Lose, We Must Fight the ‘Trump Effect’

The white woman's name and phone number showed up clearly on the caller ID when she called the Jackson Free Press several times, angry about a column a young black …

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It’s Time to Change ‘The Game’

In most every election, we just move around the chess pieces but no one ever really wins, certainly not the voters.

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Of Charles Barbour, TEDx Jackson and Decent Role Models

Simple facts about what built today's inequality are not discussed by people like Charles Barbour. They still use the same old-school scare tactics that should offend white voters because they …

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Mrs. Truth, Mr. Humanity

I first visited Battle Creek's monument to Sojourner Truth, an illiterate woman who shed her slave name and chose "Truth," saying "... and truth shall be my abiding name."

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Reps. John Lewis, Bennie Thompson to Attend Grand Celebration of Mississippi Civil Rights Museum

U.S. Reps. John Lewis and Bennie Thompson are attending the Grand Celebration and Gala at the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum on Feb. 23 and 24. Both will receive awards.


Here's A Full List of Barbour's Pardons; What Do You Think?

Jan. 10, 2011—Click here to read a full list of outgoing Gov. Haley Barbour's pardons, then tell us what you think (and what you know about these folks' crimes!)


Quote o' the Week

— Gov. Haley Barbour, Neshoba County Fair, July 29, 2004

"Mississippi taxpayers shouldn't pay for health care coverage that the federal government will pay for."

Tease photo Politics

McDaniel Attorney Mitch Tyner Expects to Find 6,700 Bad Votes Cast for Cochran

McDaniel campaign attorney Mitch Tyner says he believes at least 6,700 fraudulent votes were cast in the Republican primary run-off, enough to negate Thad Cochran's win.


Is Tuck Her Own Woman?

Here's an story from Bobby Harrison at the Daily Journal from back in December that discusses her new support for a tobacco tax and other ideas that Mr. Barbour might …


[Editorial] Change Felony Voting Laws for All

Here's what continues to get us about former Gov. Haley Barbour's excuses for all those pardons. He keeps saying that he is a Christian and, thus, is concerned about the …