All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

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The Charms of Frank Melton

Mayor Frank Melton and I disagreed on many things, especially the way he ran the city and his style of "crime-fighting," but we met in the middle on a few …


Is Palin a ‘Reformer'?

Word is that Sarah Palin's speech tonight will focus on being "a reformer." Thoughts?

(No sex-pregnancy-abortion scandal talk on this thread, please. I'm trying to break them up to make conversation talk easier.)

Frank Melton

Audio of Melton and Smith's Remarks

"Robert, you're like a little brother to me. I love you and I'll always love you, and I had to distance myself from your campaign ...."

Frank Melton

Council Wants to Subpoena City 1099s

The question of city hires—who they are, especially—has come up again, pitting Council against Mayor Frank Melton's administration.

Frank Melton

Day 3: Defense Down to 2 Witnesses, If That

Reporting by Brian Johnson

After examining their witness list, based on the judge's limitations on discussion of past drug activity on Ridgeway Street, defense attorneys' acceptable list of witnesses has dropped to only two …

DA and AG Dismiss Case Against Robbie Bell

Attorney General Jim Hood

[Verbatim statement from the AG's office] "The criminal case against Robbie Bell was dismissed today for lack of evidence in the case. The decision was made by both the Hinds …


Animal House Politics

Good Lord: Do we have a bunch of children running these campaigns? The state Republican Party has launched this silly anti-Musgrove Web site, registered to the state College Republicans at …


UPDATED: Chick Ball Donations Piling Up; Here's Who Has Donated So Far ...

With the JFP Chick Ball less than three weeks away and the deadline to make the big Chick Ball gift/silent auction guide (in the July 6 issue of JFP), the …

Frank Melton

Melton Presents New D.A., Kept Distance During Campaign

Citizen bloggers are reporting that a jubilant Mayor Frank Melton introduced Robert Smith, his choice for district attorney, last night at Smith's campaign gathering. In his remarks, made before Smith's, …

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Tough Questions for David Banner

A Jackson rap star talks frankly about young criminals and crime hysteria in Jackson.

Frank Melton

ACLU to Challenge Mayor's Tactics in Town Hall Meeting - Aug. 1

Please join the ACLU of Mississippi, the Jackson Free Press, the Magnolia Bar Association, the NAACP and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement in a special town hall meeting to address …


Jim Hood: The JFP Interview

Photograph by Kate Medley

In recent weeks, Attorney General Jim Hood has become a reluctant participant, of sorts, in the drama that the Frank Melton administration presides over in Jackson. After District Attorney Faye …

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Hoodwinked! The U.S. Chamber Pulls a Fast One on Mississippi with 'Tort Reform'

It sounded mighty convincing: "Mississippi faces a crisis in medical malpractice insurance." The warnings by industry have been dire: "This is a wake-up call for Mississippi." The reports of doctors …


UPDATE: McCain Flip-Flops, Headed To Oxford

Update: CNN is reporting that Sen. John McCain has announced he will be attending tonight's presidential debate in Oxford, despite his earlier refusal to participate if an agreement had not …


Village Voice Media Owner Offends with Racial Slur

OK, so this was not the best moment for the alternative-news industry. The owner of the alternative newspaper industry's most corporate chain, Mike Lacey, accepted an award from the Phoenix …

Frank Melton

Melton Plans to Re-Arrest Acquitted Man

Anyone else think it's odd that Mayor Melton is reacting so dramatically different to the latest acquittal of alleged gang members after being so lukewarm about the "Grayhead" acquittals? In …

Frank Melton

Frank Melton to North Jackson: "It's Over!"

Mayoral hopeful Frank Melton has called his race against Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. before it ever began. "It's over!" he exclaimed to 35 wealthy women gathered at a breakfast meet-and-greet-and-fund-raise …


Lifting the Hoods in Baltimore

So, do y'all think this frat at the hoity-toity Johns Hopkins University on up in Baltimore is integrated?!? AP is reporting:

Editor's Note

Clinton, Coulter and Me

Former President Bill Clinton was not the biggest draw for me this month at the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies' national convention in Little Rock. I don't dig liars. Personally, I …