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It's three days until the election. (In my need to get it over with, I don't count the current day or Election Day. That makes it come sooner.) It is …


Help! Jackpedia Needs to Know About Jackson's Best Bargains!

In the JFP's continuing quest to honor local Jackson-area businesses, we are publishing the 2009 Jackpedia next week -- a guide to the coolest and most local businesses, artists, people, …


Poll: Obama Would Beat McCain; Hillary Would Tie

A Time magazine poll finds that, thanks to the independent vote, Barack Obama would beat John McCain head-to-head; Hillary Clinton would tie him. Per Time:


Minor: Haley Should Release Tax Returns

In Bill Minor's syndicated column this week, he argues that Gov. Haley Barbour should be more accountable to the public:


Join the JFP Tonight at Pi(e) Lounge

The JFP's monthly Lounge is tonight—Thursday, March 13—at Pi(e) Lounge, Sal & Mookie's new tres-chic cocktail spot. Please join us 6 to 9 p.m. for a specially designed "creative class" …


Watch ‘Former' Lobbyist Barbour Pander for Big Energy

... and you wonder why Mississippi ratepayers are being asked to pay for a risky Entergy plant venture in advance, and whether it comes to fruition or not! Robert Novak …


Our Anti-tax Governor Just Endorsed Online Sales Tax

I can't say I disagree with this: The Hill is reporting that Haley Barbour endorsed it in a letter to lawmakers today, urging them to close a loophole that lets …


Do you know an amazing teen? Tell us for Young-Young Influentials!

Do you know an amazing high school aged student?

Someone who demonstrates characteristics of high personal character and integrity, perhaps using this strength of character to be resilient in the face of extenuating family circumstances, or in overcoming significant …


Help Youth Media Project! Here's PayPal link for Friendship Ball!

It's time for another huge party in downtown Jackson. And this time, you can help the Youth Media Project grow and bring kids from throughout the metro together in a …


Feds Say Country Club Employed Undocumented Workers

The Clarion-Ledger is reporting that the feds are targeting the Country Club of Jackson for violating immigration law:


NYT: Mississippi Ruling a ‘Racial Split'?

The New York Times has a piece today called "In Mississippi, Ruling Is Seen as a Racial Split" (photograted by none other than one of the JFP's star photogs, Kate …


Why Not Answer the Question, Mr. Agnew?

Clarion-Ledger Executive Editor Ronnie Agnew has a truly absurd column out today. Once he gets through the crap in the beginning about Jim Hood bothering to talk to them on …

Best of Jackson

Best of Jackson is Drawing Near: Need Suggestions!

Folks, we will soon begin the competition for Best of Jackson 2008. This year, we are solicting reader suggestions for categories you'd like to see on the Best of Jackson …


Johnny Dupree's Win and ‘Redneck-Blackneck Politics of the Deep South'

In a new piece on Salon.com, writer Steve Kornacki argues that Democrats are pretty washed up in the Deep South, Johnny Dupree's historic victory notwithstanding. He writes:


They Got the Man They Wanted

Here's the Ledger edit-boyz' latest too-little-too-late whine about their mayor:

It is really hard to watch The Clarion-Ledger whine about Frank Melton. He is exactly the person they endorsed. His history showed that he was "rude" and "outrageous" and couldn't …


Bush Administration Should Come Clean

In the wake of the George Tenet explosion in Washington, The New York Times editorial board today calls for answers—honest ones—from the people who took the U.S. into a bad …


Jackson Soldier Melvin Henley Jr. Killed in Iraq

He was killed in a "non-combat incident." Prayers to his loved ones.


Update: ‘Jena 6' Sentence Overturned

Update: Today a Louisiana appeals court overturned the conviction of Mychal Bell, one of the "Jena 6" who were facing severe charges for their end of a racially tinged feud …


Gay Marriage Can't Change This ...

Associated Press reports:

The death of al-Qaida leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq came as more Americans than ever thought the war in Iraq was a mistake, according to AP-Ipsos polling.


Baggy pants are out! Men's butts are back!

At least so sez The New York Times. Can't say I mind this trend.