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All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Domestic Violence

Barbour Releases Long Statement: ‘I'm Not Infallable'

Gov. Haley Barbour's office just sent this statement in response to the state and national outcry over his pardons and grants of clemency. It is reprinted here verbatim:

Tease photo Editor's Note

The Deal With a Racist Devil

We seem to be going backward, not forward, on race and other bigotry issues.


‘Lawsuit Abuse' Over

Champagne corks were popping at Bravo the evening of June 3, even as some diners were sobered by the day's events. That afternoon, the Mississippi House of Representatives had suddenly, …


Barbour Trying to Bring Back 1920s

Excellent column by Ole Miss professor Joe Atkins:


[Ladd] Life in the Fast Lane

Not to be a drama queen here, but hanging out at the Mississippi Legislature can really shatter one's faith in humanity. After doing years of research on harmful youth policies …

Editor's Note

Where the 'Southern Strategy' Belongs

You have to watch closely, or you might not pay any mind to earth-shattering statements heard these days in Mississippi. For instance: "Mississippi will not take a back seat to …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: GOP Leaders, Stop Disrespecting Black Mississippians

Dear Mississippi Republican leaders: Like much of the recent 40 years, your actions toward African Americans in our state in the last 10 days have been atrocious.


Party of Lincoln?

Think it's strange that the now-lily-white Republican Party was the choice of freed slaves in the 19th century?

Campaign Parties Around Town

If you want to go out and watch the campaign staffs get drunk, the winners gloat, the losers try to take the high road (or not), or to congratulate or …

Barbour Calls May 21 Special Session for Medicaid and MDES

Read background on ad oversight controversy here.


Watch ‘Former' Lobbyist Barbour Pander for Big Energy

... and you wonder why Mississippi ratepayers are being asked to pay for a risky Entergy plant venture in advance, and whether it comes to fruition or not! Robert Novak …


[City Buzz] Best Gov, Gandhi in Jackson, Two Lakes Doom, more

BEST GOVERNOR: Haley Barbour may have ridden the GOP machine into town, but he's got a long way to go before he can take over the throne of Governor Emeritus …


Barbour Redirecting Katrina Funds to the Wealthy?

Salon is reporting that Gov. Haley Barbour has gotten HUD waivers that have redirected 80 percent of federal block grants awarded to help Mississippi's low- and moderate-income residents recover from …


Bob Herbert Blasts Barbour Again, Does Right by JFP Again

I was so busy Friday and through the weekend, tweeting about the storm and drinking champagne (not at the same time), that I didn't notice until today that New York …

[Ladd] Haley's March to the Sea

On the JFP blog recently, someone asked me if I was willing to give Gov. Haley Barbour the benefit of the doubt. That question gave me pause. I think of …


Mississippi CofCC: Pearl Shouldn't Become ‘Little Jackson'

From the Mississippi CofCC Web site: "Some of our committee members met with several Mississippi House of Representative members to discuss upcoming issues that the legislature will face in 2005. …

Tease photo City & County

Campaign Trickery: Lumumba a 'Race Traitor,' Lee a 'Rankin Republican'?

Supporters of men who are vying to be Jackson's next mayor were busy over the weekend with last-minute election trickery, some anonymous and some not, with much of it targeting …

Tease photo City & County

Truth and Pandering as Mississippi History, Civil Rights Museums Open

When the 90-year-old man slipped into the open seat next to me, the opening ceremony for Mississippi's duo of history museums was about to start.