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So, When Did Barbour Have a Change of Heart on Pardons?

Hmmm. When you poke just a little at Barbour's history on and attitudes about pardoning criminals—even men like Cory Maye who shot a police officer who burst into his home …


Did Melton and Bluntson ‘Sponsor' Fairview Boys Camp ... or Not?

Boys II Kings Summer Camp Aims to Uplift

This morning, I Google-Newsed Frank Melton to see if anything new had happened while I was in Florida. An WLBT story summary popped up. Here it is verbatim:


Will New Palin ‘Racially Tinged' Attacks Backfire on McCain?

Bizarrely, the McCain campaign announced to media over the weekend that it was going to launch personal attacks on Barack Obama to try to turn attention away from the economy, …


Please Help Debunk the CRA Lies

In a campaign increasingly filled with ugliness, the worst thing I've seen happen is the false and racist campaign to blame the current financial crisis on poor people of color—through …


Is Shoe About to Fall on Trent Lott?

Well, the man state Republicans used to adore regardless of what he did may be about to fall even harder: The Associated Press reports that State Farm attorneys are alleging …


GOP Senator's Wife and Ike's Granddaughter to Endorse Obama Tuesday

Nice. You start playing the race/terrorist card and look what happens. Associated Press:


Submit Questions, Get Tickets for April 23 Mayoral Debate Now!

The Jackson Free Press is a sponsor of the April 23 debate featuring Democratic candidates for mayor of Jackson at the Jackson Convention Complex. You can watch a feed of …


FOX ‘News' Chick Makes Ass of Herself

I fully realize this probably happens over at FOX News every day, but this video is unbelievable. She is so outclassed by Bill Burton of the Obama campaign:

Person of the Day

Latasha Willis

Today we honor one of our own: new JFP event listings editor Latasha Willis. The best way you can honor Latasha? Send your events calendars for the next three months …


Another Vetting Problem: ‘Uncommitted' Joe-the-Plumber A Registered Republican

Update: Turns out that "Joe" is actually "Samuel Joseph" and is a registered Republican (but says he's in the Natural Law Party); see comments for more weirdness.


DOW Plunges 700 Points, Again

More bad news:

Stocks plunged in the final minutes of trading Thursday, sending the Dow Jones industrials down more than 675 points, or more than 7 percent, to their lowest level in five …


Is Clarion-Ledger Comatose at the Wheel?

I am simply astounded to see that, right this second, the top "breaking news" on the Ledger's site is this by Chris Joyner (who is about to be promoted to …


Andy Taggart Goes McCarthy on Obama

Oh, the times are growing desperate for Republican operatives, present and past. Over on his Ledger blog, Andy Taggart posted one of the most ridiculous, and chilling, things I've ever …


Presidential Obama v. Angry White Man

He sure proved the point that John McCain has nothing on him on foreign policy. And McCain was just scary—imagine him and his anger trying to repair our place in …

Editor's Note

Young, Impressive, Ours

When freelance writer Greg Pigott turned in his write-up of Mark Scott of Callaway High School for this "Amazing Teens" issue, he wrote: "I wish I had more words to …


CNN: Mississippi Agencies Took Katrina Supplies

So, just how can needy victims of Katrina on the Coast be screwed once again? Barbour diverts low-income housing money, and now this? The governor should stand up and tell …


Associated Press, Factcheck.org Expose McCain's Lies

The current national furor over the lies coming from the McCain-Palin camp reached a ridiculous level today when Factcheck.org had to call the campaign out for distorting the non-partisan's correction …


Anchorage Daily: Palin Embarrassing Alaska

Writing in response to Sarah Palin's proclamation that the damning Troopergate report "vindicates" her, the Anchorage Daily News editorial board hands their governor her ass on a platter, and calls …


A Rape Victim Speaks to Palin and McCain

This powerful ad is sweeping the Internet today, dedicated to Sarah Palin, who believes that rape victims are not entitled to a safe and legal abortion, should the crime leave …


Who Can Read This?

Why is The Clarion-Ledger in so much trouble? Here's a good hint: Top editor Ronnie Agnew's column today starts this way: