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Handy Hardware Coming to Mississippi

[verbatim from the Governor's office]

Jackson, Mississippi - Governor Haley Barbour announced today that Handy Hardware, a member-owned hardware buying group, will open a distribution center in Meridian. The company plans to employ more than …


Building Business

Gov. Haley Barbour has long been bullish on Mississippi's business environment, announcing every new business his administration brings into the state—large and small—and every new development with great fanfare.


Old Capitol Green Bill on Barbour's Desk

The Mississippi Senate has sent a bill authorizing the Mississippi Development Authority to make a $20 million loan to Hinds County to Gov. Haley Barbour for his signature.

Feds OK $321 Million for Education

Although he has been loathe to accept some of the federal stimulus funds allotted for Mississippi, Gov. Haley Barbour announced today that the federal government has approved the state's plan …


Toyota to Restart Blue Springs

Gov. Haley Barbour announced this morning that Toyota is moving forward to complete its Blue Springs plant in north Mississippi. Current plans call for the first cars to roll off …


Barbour Names Commission on School Consolidation

Gov. Haley Barbour announced yesterday the formation of an advisory panel on school consolidation, one of the more controversial suggestions from his November budget recommendations. Composed of state and local …

Bill Adds Teeth to Stalking Law

Sitting on Gov. Haley Barbour's desk this morning awaiting his signature is a bill designed to give Mississippi's stalking laws some bite. House bill 1309 revises and strengthens the definition …

Hinds Supes Appoint New County Attorney

At a board meeting this morning, Hinds County Supervisors appointed Sherri Flowers to replace Malcolm Harrison as county attorney. Harrison became Gov. Haley Barbour's first African American judicial appointment in …


Barbour Appoints Malcolm Harrison to DeLaughter's Old Judge Spot

Verbatim from Gov. Barbour's office this morning:

Jackson, Mississippi – Governor Haley Barbour today announced the appointment of S. Malcolm O. Harrison, of Jackson, as Circuit Court Judge for the Seventh Judicial District, Sub-district 4, serving Hinds …


There Goes Another One

After two days of deliberation, the House passed the Momentum Mississippi package and is now working with the Senate and Gov. Haley Barbour on a bond bill to finance other …


A Giuliani-Barbour Ticket: Just Imagine

I just ran into this post on the Think Progress blog that is basically saying what I was earlier about all the revelations about his "blind trust" and his Katrina …


Mental Health Funding Under Knife

Advocates for a state-funded mental hospital in Newton are pleading with state legislators to keep its doors open next year.


Barbour's 2013 Budget At a Glance

In his final budget recommendations before leaving office, Gov. Haley Barbour put everything from Mississippi Public Broadcasting to the Egg Marketing Board on the chopping block Tuesday.

In Their Own Words: Lindsay Kathryn Welch

Starting today, the JFP will feature some of the stories of the people former Gov. Haley Barbour pardoned, in their own words. Oktibbeha County, 2000 Lindsay Welch gave birth to …


The Ole Switcheroo

Flanked by Gov. Haley Barbour and incoming Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves, state Sen. Gray Tollison announced that his becoming a member of the Republican Party was the best thing for …


Commissioners Deny Barbour's Influence

Mississippi Sierra Club Director Louie Miller says that a letter from Gov. Haley Barbour to the Public Service Commission asking it to approve an experimental coal plant in Kemper County …


Radio JFP at Noon Thursday; Crisler May Appear

Councilman Marshand Crisler is joining Donna Ladd and Todd Stauffer today at noon for Radio JFP on WLEZ-FM (103.7 or http://www.wlezfm.com for a live stream)—if he can get out of …


Ronni Mott Responds to Hood on Hayne

On March 12, 2010, Radley Balko, formerly of Reason Magazine, published an email from Hood to coroners and others urging them to get legislators to vote against H.B. 1456. The …


Keep Up the Reform Momentum

Former Gov. Haley Barbour's unprecedented spate of last-minute pardons brought numerous issues regarding some of Mississippi's antiquated customs into the glaring light of national media attention.