All results / Stories / Jackson Free Press


Crash of The Blue Screen

The Help America Vote Act of 2002, passed in response to the troubled 2000 presidential elections, requires each state to have up-to-date voting machines installed and ready by Jan. 1, …

How to Host Out-of-Town Guests (Without Going Insane)

Aunt Jean is coming to town. You've known about it for months, but you're days away from her camping out in your guest room with a plethora of denture accessories. …

Life Lessons at the Honky Tonk

"Let's go to the redneck bar," Blondie exclaimed from the backseat of my car. Three of us had just enjoyed a girls' day out after feeding the cows and touring …

It's The Weekend

Start your weekend with a visit to the Downtown Harp & Juke Festival at Underground 119 (119 S. President St.) where you can dance and hear music from artists like …


Readers' Valentine's Day Letters

From Dianne Bell

The response to our call for Valentine's love letters was terrific. Unfortunately, we couldn't possibly print all of them. Below are the ones that didn't get into our print edition …


Time to Stop the 'Black Friday' Lunacy

The trampling death of a Wal-Mart temporary worker yesterday morning in a stampede to shop in a big-box retrailer whose products are mostly made outside the United States sent a …


Wedge Issues Bring Heated Debates

Democrats turned up the heat in debates over abortion, immigration and voter rights last week. Up against deadlines to get bills out of committee and through floor votes, the Mississippi …

2009 Legislature Convenes in Old Capitol

Perhaps as an omen to the contentiousness ahead, the Mississippi Legislature convened the new session Tuesday in the restored Old Capitol—the building where Mississippi once voted to secede from the …

Eating Out

Where's the Bacon?

When Parlor Market opens later this summer, diners ordering any cured pork dishes will enjoy the handiwork of Frank Coppola, the current owner of Stan's Country Store in Batesville, Miss.


[Fly] Shopkeep

The vibrant life buzzing throughout Bee Tree Meadows makes it hard to believe that the Western honeybee is in grave danger. From 1997-2006 Colony Collapse Disorder has dramatically diminished the …


Presence, Not Presents

My Aunt Peggie has 48 miniature Santas. Each year, not long after Thanksgiving, she painstakingly takes her Santa collection and displays them around her home, along with the Christmas tree, …

Domestic Violence

[Greggs] Like Bourbon For Chocolate

Last week, after spying the ever-growing acreage of my cat's butt, I begrudgingly headed to the store to buy her diet food for the first time. I felt badly about …

Tease photo Art

'Recycling Is Not Ugly'

Despite having a joint art exhibit in the ARTichoke gallery, Jo Patterson, 46, and Alissa DiAmonti, 41, only recently met for the first time. The women's show consists of works …

Organic Living

Solar Remodel

I think about my retirement often and how great it has the potential of being. Then I panic thinking about whether we'll have enough, about the best strategy for saving …


Gingrich to Speak at Millsaps

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will carry his jobs summit to Millsaps College today at 4 p.m. Gingrich's Web site describes the event as "a real jobs summit," to rival …


Entergy DOJ Investigation Kept Secret

Mississippi Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley said he is frustrated that Entergy Mississippi was slow to reveal a weeks-old U.S. Department of Justice civil investigation into Entergy Corporations' energy-purchasing practices.

Editor's Note

Living Within Your Means

"Live within your means," a female voice forcefully asserted over the radio waves one morning as I was making the daily commute from Jackson to Clinton for class.


Plan B? Flood Control Beyond Lakes and Levees

Flood-control options for the Pearl River seem limited as Jackson-area residents compare the ungainly design of the levee plan designed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1996 with …

"Policing Jackson: Problems & Solutions" – Questions?

Post your questions for the panel or specific panelists below.

The Jackson Police Officers Association and the Jackson Free Press are presenting a town-hall meeting with police officers and other concerned citizens for real talk on fighting crime in Jackson. …


[Hightower] Fleecing America's Soldiers

It's been said that you don't know what hell is until you've had an insurance salesman in your living room, prattling on eternally about term life annuities.