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Books for Mom

Getting any gift for Mom is always a daunting task. It's either classy or sassy, depending on her style. So why not get her a book? It can appeal to …


Jazz Supreme, by Andy Saje

For many, seven is a lucky number, representing good fortune. In jazz, the seventh chords are one of the essential building blocks of improvisation. In downtown Jackson, Seven* is the …


Letting a Little Luck In

What do good-looking men, lentils, no housework and kissing all have in common? According to superstition, they all bring good luck in the new year.


[Wine] Viognier ... What is That?

In the quest to discover wine, many of us peruse our favorite package stores and restaurant wine lists for new things to try. Every now and then something pops up …


The Artist and the Councilman

Photograph by Jessica Kinnison

Mid-afternoon on New Years Eve, Ward 1 City Councilman Ben Allen is finishing an eight-year run on the Jackson City Council, and artist William Goodman is heading toward his first …


JPS to Hold Town Hall Meetings

Correction: The date for the second set of town hall meetings has been corrected below.


Is Jackson a [Good] College Town?

Image by Ken Patterson

Forget Boston, it's too far away. Baton Rouge, too. Hell, forget Oxford and Starkville while you're at it. Home to five major colleges (Belhaven, Jackson State, Millsaps, Mississippi College and …

Editor's Note

Living Within Your Means

"Live within your means," a female voice forcefully asserted over the radio waves one morning as I was making the daily commute from Jackson to Clinton for class.


Gifts That Matter

Every time I pick up my mail these days, I get a half-dozen pleas from non-profits and charities to send money. Unfortunately for them, it was last year that I …


DRIVE: ‘Ion: Say It With Me'

Every week our car-shopping adventure starts out pretty much the same. We have the best of intentions, planning a Car Driving Day soon after the most recent JFP has been …

[Stiggers] Hope and Ambition

Greetings, fellow hustlers. Welcome to the 'Work from Home without a Place to Live Entrepreneur and Job Search Seminar'—co-sponsored by the 'Lord Have Mercy We Really Need Work to Pay …


Party On, Big Ben

In case you haven't heard, the Pittsburgh Steelers are playing the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XL on Sunday. Doctor S doesn't know if the Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is …


Luck of the Draw

Every Sunday morning, the glorious sound of hymns fills the sanctuary of Northminster Baptist Church in Jackson. Behind every great choir, there's a great choir director, and at Northminster, it's …


[ArtTalk] The Fire This Time

Art piece by Ji Wan Joo

I'm not from Mississippi, but I have lived here off and on for enough years that I have a certain attachment to the state. I was lucky enough to attend …

Domestic Violence

Women Speak Out

We asked JFP readers and domestic-abuse victims to share their stories. Here are a couple of the many responses we received. I always thought I was too strong, smart and …


Learning Early

Becoming a girl-about-town takes years of practice. Case in point: I vividly remember the pair of high heels that get credit for training me so that today, I can navigate …


Just a Jump to the Left

It's not exactly the '80s again. But there is a time warp-theme in Jackson theater right now (no, not Rocky Horror) with lots days-gone-by fare offered this spring. If you …

Tease photo Cover

Welcome, New Jacksonians

Fact: Jackson is a college town. The metro area is home to eight colleges and universities plus a few technical schools. Despite the popular (and false) saying of "there's nothing …


A Journey to the Center of the Mind

Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer-Prize award-winning 1930s drama, "Our Town," is not just a play, but a spiritual voyage. The stage is barren, except for a row of chairs, and dialogue is …

Tonight: Childer's Tele-Town-Hall Meeting

Blue Dog Democratic Rep. Travis Childers announced yesterday that he will be holding a town-hall meeting via telephone tonight at 7:20 p.m. The congressman will make opening remarks, after which …