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A Special Reunion Weekend

This past summer, I met my older brother for the first time. He was the product of a previous relationship my dad had, and although I knew he existed, I …


Taking On The Times

"It was like it was someone's opinion but it wasn't attributed to anyone," Lea Stokes, a MEMA spokeswoman, said of "Storm Hit Little, but Aid Flowed to Inland City," an …

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Jessica Catchings

Jessica Catchings blazes a trail across Jackson accomplishing multiple tasks at once and creating more in the process. The 22-year-old history student plans to graduate from Jackson State University in …

Best of Jackson

The Secret is ... People

I thought about going back into the JFP archives to check and see how many of these publisher's notes in previous Best of Jackson issues I've started with, "You hold …

Publisher's Note

Dear Larry: Jackson More Than a 'Market'

The Clarion-Ledger's current publisher Larry Whitaker announced in a staff memo last week that Mississippi's state-wide Gannett property will lay off 20 employees on top of the hiring freeze it …


Outrageous story from Former Pres. Jimmy Carter's Hometown

Sagging may be the norm in the world of rap, but the trend may see an early end if some residents of a small southwest Georgia town have their way.


The Best In Sports In 7 Days

Doctor S sez: Y'all quit playing Led Zeppelin's "When the Levee Breaks." Now is not the time.

Tease photo Cover

Jackson's Spokes Are Turning

Jackson's bike-friendly status could get a boost, with bike advocate organizations, the Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership, the Jackson Chamber of Commerce and the city working together to develop multi-use bike …


Fightin' Texas Aggies Stun Hapless Loser ‘t-sips'

Oh. My. Word.

NBC News Story About Crushing Defeat of t.u.

[Hutchinson] Leaders Failed Jena Six Defendant

One very conspicuous person missing from the cast of thousands in Jena was Mychal Bell. The 17-year-old, more than any other of the Jena Six teens, fueled the furor over …


JFP Interview: Who Is Ben Allen?

The controversial councilman on being conservative, Mayor Johnson, gun control and meeting Muhammad Ali. The unabridged version.


What the Mamas Taught Us

When I heard 40 days before Election Day that the "No on 26" folks were trying to hire a spokesperson, I just knew women didn't have a chance. Thankfully, I …

Editor's Note

Come Together

I once had a client who considered himself completely uncreative. An entrepreneur with a thriving small business, Mr. Jones (not his real name) had a peculiar stance about artists: He …


Savory Morsels

For me, few things cause a dietary downfall as quickly as the presence of hors d'oeurves and appetizers. There's just something appealing about small morsels. I have been known to …


Running on Friendship

"I'm done," I thought to myself. "Stick a fork in me. I am done."

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Chris and Shalon Wansley

Chris and Shalon Wansley love exchanging gifts. "We pride ourselves on being gift givers," Chris says. On the anniversary of their first date, Chris, 32, took Shalon, 28, to dinner …

Your Turn

Youth Curfew A Bad Idea

Mayor Melton's state of emergency is over, but a youth curfew ordinance still remains on the books in Jackson. If the City Council is serious about combating juvenile crime, it …


[Johnson] The Miracle Machine

The season of the Obama baby has arrived. Like many members of our generation, my beloved and I found the Bush years distinctly unarousing. Even today, I worry that newborns …

Editor's Note

Protect Private Property

During trips to my mother's hometown of Oxford, it was customary for her to point out the areas of land, now heavily developed, that blacks owned when she was growing …

Health Care

City Attorney: More Accountability, Less Drama

Jackson City Attorney Pieter Teeuwissen officially adopted his job in October, although in truth he had been filling the role in some capacity for more than five years. Teeuwissen, 43, …