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Home, Sweet Homestead

Last week, The Jackson Free Press ran a story about Jackson Mayor Frank Melton's dual residency in Texas and his filing for homestead exempt status in Tyler, Texas, rather than …


‘Buy Me, Caroline': Tales of An Experienced Clearance Shopper

I can smell a clearance sale a mile away.

I believe I was born with a radar in my brain that can detect the faint sound of red clearance price stickers being applied to shoes, lamps, stationary, imported chocolates, …

Publisher's Note

Think Global, Buy Local

Welcome to the "Good" issue. Our goal with this intern-created issue is to present you with ways that you can give back, give thanks and consider some opportunities to do …


Losing is Better?

Southern Miss' Bowl Championship Series hopes died when they lost 34-31 to the University of Alabama at Birmingham Nov. 17. The Golden Eagles only had a chance to earn a …


Gettin' Older in San Fran

Todd bought me a new little digital camera for my birthday but, so far, I'm not sure it's really for me. What y'all think?


Daily Newspaper Revenue, Readership Declining

No surprise here, but daily newspapers are in trouble. Gannett, which owns The Clarion-Ledger, is showing a dramatic drop in revenue and readership, for instance. The New York Times reports …


The Fuzzy Math of Arenas

Talk of a proposed entertainment arena in downtown Jackson has been largely devoid of hard figures, by necessity. Arena supporters are still cobbling together the private money to pay for …


Rad Balloon

On a blistering July 2 evening, I strolled around the Fondren business district, searching for complementary beverages during "Fondren After 5," and attempted to look as if I were a …


A Call for Unity ... But No Pictures

A June 15 event billed as a huge show of unity for Mayor-elect Harvey Johnson Jr. turned into a debate over transparency after organizers barred photographers and electronic media from …


Time to Stop the 'Black Friday' Lunacy

The trampling death of a Wal-Mart temporary worker yesterday morning in a stampede to shop in a big-box retrailer whose products are mostly made outside the United States sent a …


‘You're Free To Go'

Photos by Roy Adkins

(View a full gallery here).

Domestic Violence

[Queen] Walking In Dignity

When my father named me, he spoke my destiny into existence. The name is taken from the Nigerian Yoruba tribe. Funmi means to help people, and Folayan means to walk …

[Ladd] Souls of Our Citizens

I left Mississippi in 1983 to find my place in the world. It wasn't in my home state, I knew then; I just didn't fit here. My spirit was a …

Frank Melton

Melton to File Another Lawsuit ... Against Donelson?

Mayor Frank Melton seems to be in a litigious mood this week. First, he filed a lawsuit against The Clarion-Ledger that many believe is frivolous (reported first by the JFP). …


Heather McTeer

Eight years ago, fresh from a victory that made her Greenville's first African American mayor, first woman mayor, and the city's youngest mayor, Heather McTeer found out the city's chief …


No Rough Edges

"One Came Home," the first feature film from Rolling Fork native Willy Bearden, is about an idyllic rural community in Mississippi called Magnolia, where all the mamas are nice, all …

Tease photo Cover

Woman on a Mission

Standing an easy 6 feet tall in her fashionable beige wedge sandals, Sandy Middleton strode into the Copiah County sheriff's station. She breezed past the unmanned reception desk, barely pausing, …

Pearl River

‘Twin Lakes' All Over Again

Almost 60 years ago, flood waters utterly inundanted the city of Jackson, swelling up out of Town Creek, which is now contained and flowing under the Hood building. Then, in …


The Sound (Guys) of Music

While many of us attend concerts and festivals to hear great live music, it is common to forget that it's not only the band making great music, but it's the …


Festival Fall

As a teacher, I dread the beginning of school because of the whirlwind craziness. Thank goodness it only lasts for a couple of weeks. Then I'm in my routine, and …