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Year 2: ‘Being the Media'!

Youth Media Project

The Jackson Free Press is thrilled to host the second summer of a joint youth media effort by public and private school teens in Jackson. last year, they critiqued the …


Off Their Rockers

Theater enthusiasts in Jackson have seen improvisational groups come and go. There was Capital City Improv and Glue. Then there was no one.

Tease photo Fly

[Guy] Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

A lot of things keep people up at night these days: terrorism, recession, environmental catastrophe. But these aren't the things I worry about. No, I worry more about zombies and …


Mother's Day Fritata

Cookin' for Mom

Make mom a fritata—and be glad we don't live in one of the worst countries for mommas.


[Music] Back To The Bar Room

Ken Edwards and Kenny Graeber, both Jackson boys, are two members of a band that has come onto the scene challenging contemporary country music. Ken Edwards and His Well Strung …


Obama to Sign Hate Crime Legislation

In a ceremony today at the White House, President Barack Obama will sign a bill into law that has been in the works for more than a decade. The bill …


‘This Don't Make No Sense'

The tone was tense at a hastily called Sept. 2 emergency briefing between City Council members and Jackson Mayor Frank Melton. Though slow to release public statements in the days …

[Gregory] ‘Mom, What Did You Do?'

Recently, at a flea market in a town a little south of here, I dug into a bin of old newspapers and found a copy of the Jackson Daily News …

Hinds County to ‘Rebrand' Itself

In an effort to improve the image of Hinds County and attract new residents and visitors, the Hinds County Economic Development Authority has contracted an urban planning firm to rebrand …


Men Who Hate Women on the Web

Joan Walsh of Salon has a fascinating story about how women are often treated online, using the ugly attacks on Kathy Sierra as an example. She writes:


Where's YOUR Confidence?

A Response to Luke Parrish's Blog on Understanding Self-Worth, Confidence, and "Believing in Yourself"

AG Jim Hood Celebrates State Farm Settlement

Attorney General Jim Hood said Tuesay that his office has reached a class-action settlement with State Farm in the Katrina lawsuit. Policy holders and Hood claim the insurance company wrongfully …

Frank Melton

State Investigates ‘Lawn Service' Contracts

Better late than never. It looks like the state and the media are finally playing catch-up on investigating the city's allocation of money to Frank Melton's "lawn service" contracts to …

Mayor to Hold Up Sales Tax Hike?

Last session, the Mississippi Legislature enacted a referendum vote for a sales tax increase to fix city streets and improve public safety, but Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. says that …

Editor's Note

With A Good Intention

People come up and thank me all the time for being "daring." Or "courageous." Or "fearless." No, the Jackson Free Press is not particularly daring or courageous (although admittedly we …


The Dawn of a New ‘Daily'

This past week we flipped the switch on a new "product" that's been brewing in the JFP labs for the better part of six months: JFP Daily.


ARTICLE: Rape and Race: We Have to Talk About It

In this article on TheRoot.com, Melissa Harris-Lacewell talks about a public discussion that took place in a church in Brooklyn, NY - a discussion of the touchy subject of intra-racial …


[Chickdom] The Gift That Keeps On Giving

We Southern women are quite particular about love and marriage, particularly weddings. As little girls, we have our china patterns chosen, as well as the dress, church, colors and cake. …


Alexis Larkin and Aaron Schwartz

Before Alexis Larkin and Aaron Schwartz met on J-Date, an online Jewish dating service, they each had gone out with people who had stretched the truth about themselves. Alexis had …


Whitney Place In the Works

Watkins Partners Developer David Watkins said today that his plans for a multi-use development on eight acres of land in Fondren will replace the deteriorating 1930s business strip used as …