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Eminent Domain Petition Circulating

After Gov. Haley Barbour vetoed a bill last year to limit the state's use of eminent domain, the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation is circulating a petition to put the issue …


Another Nod To Big Tobacco

Former tobacco lobbyist Gov. Haley Barbour announced March 27 that he was vetoing a bill to provide $20 million a year to The Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi, an anti-smoking …


'Where Barbour's Loyalties Really Lie'

On March 15, Gov. Haley Barbour vetoed a second tax reform bill that would have raised the cigarette tax to $1 per pack and cut the state's 7 percent sales …


Theater of the Beef-Plant Absurd

Can we just call the beef-plant debacle what it is: a foolish bipartisan embrace of a corporate-welfare scheme gone awry? Both Dems and Republicans pushed for it, and Barbour wrote …

Tease photo Art

Marriage of Design and Art

With their recent May 8 grand opening, this creative undertaking is a marriage of interior design services and an art gallery.


Barbour Postpones Medicaid Transition

PR from the Governor's office:

(Jackson, Miss.) -- Saying that a litigation (sic) had confused 50,000 Mississippi Medicaid recipients beyond repair, Governor Haley Barbour said today he would postpone the state's efforts to transition those …


C-L Endorses Blackmon, Tuck for Lt. Guv

The Clarion-Ledger pointed to Blackmon's experience in the Senate to choose her over Democratic challenger Jim Roberts for the Dem nod, and to take on Tuck in November. Sid Salter …


Barbour Delays Further Budget Cuts

Gov. Haley Barbour canceled a press conference scheduled for 11 a.m. this morning at which he was expected to announce additional state budget cuts for this fiscal year. A press …


Scott Sisters Appear Before Parole Board

Investigations into the pardon petition for sisters Jamie and Gladys Scott have concluded, and the request for their release now awaits Gov. Haley Barbour's decision.

Tease photo

Dems Play "Where's Waldo?" with Barbour

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour seems to be almost anywhere but in the state of Mississippi these days, a fact that hasn't escaped the attention of the state's Democratic Party leadership. …


Capitol Report

Dr. Warren Jones, the executive director for the Division of Medicaid, held a press conference Monday and sent Gov. Haley Barbour a letter saying that he regrets to inform everyone …


Haley Barbour Issues Statement Posted

Go take a look at Barbour's positions on a list of issues just posted on his JFP candidate blog.

Barbour's Ed. Numbers Off-Mark

Mississippi public-education advocates fear that the state Senate may short-change school districts next year by $65 million. On the Senate agenda is a House education-funding bill approved last week; however …


Governor Chides Lawmakers for Unfinished Business

Gov. Haley Barbour took time off from nationwide GOP fundraising efforts to announce that he has no plan to call a special session to address the state's non-existent budget just …


[Talk] Rebels for NAFTA

Every year at the Neshoba County Fair, candidates bring in college students to do their dirty work. They did it back when I was head of "Students for Stennis" at …

Domestic Violence

HOOD: 156 of Barbour's Pardons Did Not Meet Legal Rules

Attorney General Jim Hood this evening released his latest findings about Gov. Haley Barbour's barrage of last-minute pardons. This is verbatim statement from Hood:


Haley to Cure Jackson Crime

(Verbatim statement)-Calling for an increased focus on crime-fighting from the office of the Governor, Haley Barbour announced that he will use the authority given to the Governor to "direct the …

Barbour Signs Children First Act

Yesterday, Gov. Haley Barbour put his signature on Senate Bill 2628, also known as the Children First Act of 2009.


Governor Adamant About Port Expansion

Despite pleas to reconsider his earlier decision to divert money from funds designated for rebuilding housing on Mississippi's Gulf Coast, Gov. Haley Barbour told reporters yesterday that he's not changing …

Tax Revenues Down Again; More Cuts Likely

With the release of Mississippi's September tax collection information, Gov. Haley Barbour is once again looking to slash the state's budget. Actual collections last month fell short of the state's …