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Here, Piggy, Piggy

Christmas dinners have changed over the years. My family used to sit down to turkey, ham and all the fixins'. Now, my aunt drives three hours to Chicago to buy …


Toyota Plant Up in the Air

I wonder if we get all that tax money back if they decide to jump ship?

The Clarion Ledger reports that the MS Toyota plant - you know the one we all shoved tons of tax money into - will be suspended "until market conditions improve."


Clarion-Ledger Moves In; Indy Media Boxes/Racks Trashed

What citizens can do. June 20, 2006—A little while ago, calls started coming in from the reservoir area, telling us that our racks and boxes, and those of other members …

Tease photo Business

Apron Strings to Executive Chef

Nick Wallace told me stories as we drove to Edwards in April. There were gardens to see and people to meet, and all of them had a history.

Editor's Note

This Is My Fault

Since Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast and thrust her spotlight on the abhorrent conditions of the poorest Americans, I have been pondering poverty. First, I got angry.

[Viewpoint] Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia

In the days since Rev. Jerry Falwell died, much has been written about his influence on politics, but relatively little has been written about his hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia—that is, his "fear of …

[Sue Doh Nem] 'Down With Being Broke

Still Bill: "You're listening to Ghetto Science Team Internet Radio, courtesy of Aunt Tee Tee Hustle's computer technology class. This is your funk doctor streaming old-school music and information across …

Appliance Rebates Provide Economic Boost

Con "Cowboy" Maloney, co-owner of the only local electronic and appliance dealership, Cowboy Maloney's Electric City, says the new State Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program is a boon to the …


Shop, Girl: Oooo, Raspberry Purses!

OK, grrls, here's your open thread for shopping this week. One can't talk about politics and philosophy all the time, you know.

[Kamikaze] Stop Bragging, America

America is arrogant. But before you right-wingnuts paint me with the "anti-American'' brush, observe a more practical scenario: Close your eyes and imagine your workplace. Now picture one of your …


Reeves Lends Weight to Mosque Opposition

A former Jackson attorney says he sees parallels between his representation of Madison citizens against a proposed mosque and the plight of his own former home in south Jackson.


Market Wars

The new Mississippi Farmers' Market, brainchild of Agricultural Commissioner Lester Spell, opened in February at a cost of $4 million, and first stirred up controversy when it displaced vendors working …


Crime Perception Affects Citizens' Physical Fitness

A U.S. study done on Jackson, MS and two other towns in North Carolina showed a relationship between "their perception of crime in their neighborhood, and their view of crime …


Legislative Agenda

With coastal construction driving healthy tax revenues, you might expect smooth sailing for this year's legislative session. After all, tight budgets mean tough choices, and tough choices mean bare-knuckle fights …

Community Events and Public Meetings

6 p.m., Jackson Touchdown Club Meeting at River Hills Country Club (3600 Ridgewood Road). Members of the athletic organization meet weekly during the football season and have access to meals, …

Community Events and Public Meetings

56th Biennial Gamma Phi Delta Sorority National Conference July 27-31, at Hilton Jackson (1001 E. County Line Road). The theme is "United in Heart, Sisterhood and Services." Visit gammaphideltasorority.com for …

Editor's Note

Stop Being a Regular

Everywhere I go, I see people who are not satisfied with where they are. My friends in New Orleans can't wait until they can move to New York or Japan, …


Golden Moment for Eagles

Southern Miss plays Virginia Saturday in the most important game for the Golden Eagles in several years.

Best of Jackson

‘Tis ‘Best of Jackson,' ‘Think Global, Shop Local' Season

This week's issue kicks off the JFP's "Best of Jackson 2006" campaign season—and our fourth annual "Think Global, Shop Local" campaign, which we introduced to Jackson in our first year …


[Fashion] Local and Proud

Hip-hop Designers Sell What They Know

Since hip-hop first emerged out of the slums of New York City's infamous South Bronx in the mid '70s as a new art form created by the DJs, MCs, breakdancers …