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Did He Do It?

Did grocery delivery driver Willie McGee crawl through a window, wake mother of three Willette Hawkins from her sleep as she held her infant daughter and rape her? Or did …

Editor's Note

The Big Lie

The felony trial of Mayor Frank Melton and police detectives Michael Recio and Marcus Wright begins Monday. Although we cannot yet know what defense their lawyers will mount, it seems …

Publisher's Note

Half a Decade Down

When I logged into our production server this week, something had changed—there was just a single "Issue 1" sub-folder in the working directory. It was an unceremonious symbol of a …


The 2009 JFP Interview with John Jones: 21st Century Man

John Jones is probably one of the most scientifically versed candidates to ever run for mayor of Jackson. Jones' resume is longer than some small-town Mississippi phone books, with experience …

Pearl River

Fantasy Island Swamped

The LeFleur Lakes Plan might be on the ropes, project head John McGowan said in a recent Northside Sun article. Plans for a new overpass might make the project unviable, …


Mayor Wants 'Responsibility'

At a June 25 meeting at Koinonia Coffee House, Mayor-elect Harvey Johnson Jr. told Ward 5 residents that the theme for the city during his third term as mayor will …

Bush Pitched SS Plan in Canton Tuesday

According to the Sun Herald George W. Bush will speak today around noon at the Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi, where he's expected to address "fixing the hole in the …


Home, Bittersweet Home

Mary Johnson was a resident of Rose Street back when Rose Street looked very different from how it looks now. In many ways, the story of Johnson is the story …


White Men for Obama?

A long New York Times magazine feature by Matt Bai explores the question on everyone's mind: Can white men bring themselves to vote for Barack Obama in November? This is …


Sundance Day 3: Ballast Premiers

Yesterday's premier generated Sundance buzz. Bloggers are comparing Ballast to the lyrical films of Terrence Malick and David Gordon Green, and the all-important Hollywood Reporter and Variety have given beaming …


Gifts Losers Don't Give

It's only days until Christmas and—this is the point where a lot of people really screw up. If—like me—you haven't quite finished your shopping (or started), you might be tempted …


[West] More Than A Figment

Communities that don't have vibrant arts scenes aren't healthy communities. Arts are essential.


Crossroads Film Festival: Mississippi Filmmakers On Screen

We all know that Mississippi is the "crossroads" where the blues were born. But, of late, the state is coming into its creative own in many artistic areas. Film is …


Greenwood Councilman Lambasted for Racial Slur

The Associated Press is reporting that Greenwood Councilman John Lee sent an e-mail last week to a group of whites criticizing black Council President David Jordan, and calling him a …

Tease photo Cover

The ‘Local' Lie

The International Council of Shopping Centers is pouring millions of dollars into television ads urging people to "Shop Local"—at their nearest mall.


The City vs. The Titty

The Jackson City Council voted 6-0 Tuesday not to renew the business license of nude-bar owner Gilbert Paige, who owns Centerfolds and Girls of Paradise.


A Private Conversation

"I'm worried about you, Tom," Luce said.
Best of Jackson

Best Of Jackson 2012: Community

As a child, I loved exploring the Mississippi Museum of Art at its former location on visits to Jackson with my mom. As an adult, I am continually impressed with …


[Balko] The El Paso Miracle

By conventional wisdom, El Paso, Texas, should be one of the scariest cities in America. Surprisingly, it's actually one of the safest.