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Dredging Up the Past: Why Mississippians Must Tell Our Own Stories

It was warm under the mammoth magnolia tree on the north side of the Neshoba County Courthouse, just yards from where the Confederate soldier stood on his marble pedestal until …


[Kamikaze] Spread the Projack Love

I'm what you call a ProJack. I steadfastly support anything in Jackson—community, music and business. If you operate or reside firmly within this city's borders, I pray for your success.


Jackson Jewish Film Festival: A Multicultural Celebration

Like most art forms, there's something about a film that brings people together. Lessons about love, life and relationship always strike a chord, no matter your religious, familial or ethnic …


[Hill] Sunday School Lessons

He somehow got the impression that spirituality and issues of human justice are somehow mutually exclusive.


Picture Perfect

Thousands of picture postcards lie in a crate at the end of my bed. From California to New York, Texas to the Black Hills of South Dakota, I have thousands …

Youth Media Project

When push comes to shove, shove back and follow through….

Youth Media Project

I began to be asked questions like, "So you're from Mississippi, I hear racism and homophobia are pretty bad down there.." or "I'm afraid to go there because of being …


Don't Spill the Refried Beans

When I was growing up, taco night was not complete without a giant bowl of soft avocado mashed together with onions, tomatoes, and cilantro and surrounded by crunchy white corn …


Council Approves Metrocenter Purchase Despite Budget Woes

The Jackson City Council voted to purchase property inside the Metrocenter mall today. The city will buy more than 170,000 square feet of space within the mall—formerly occupied by Dillard's …


The JFP Interview with Joey Lauren Adams

Filmmaker Joey Lauren Adams, 39, is a fan of drinking Budweiser and driving along flat Arkansas highways looking at cypress trees, not necessarily at the same time. The first time …


Transcript: GOP Senate Press Conference on Katrina


HUTCHISON: We are going to have the senators who are affected by this terrible natural disaster in our country, Katrina, talk about the efforts in their home states. And I …

[Johnson] When Jackson Burned

On May 14, 1863, the Army of Tennessee, under Generals Grant and Sherman, seized Jackson as the Confederate army retreated in disarray. Grant ordered the city's "strategic assets" burned, and …

Me and Willie Hoyt

Willie Hoyt was a character. My mom met him when I was in the fourth grade. My father had died a couple years earlier after a long illness, she was …


Pro-Business Smoke Out

Much has been written about the regional bidding war for the new Kia auto plant—a war in which Georgia defeated Mississippi, and Alabama was never really a competitor. But as …

Editor's Note

The Other Ridgeway Incident

This week, I will begin a journey across the hemispheres to Auckland, New Zealand. I am moving for reasons that begin with my parents' departure for Auckland nine months ago …

Editor's Note

Home at Last?

When I was small, my parents seemed to think that moving to a new city to give my dad better job opportunities was a pretty cool thing to do.


Craig Noone, Crime Fighter

A few weeks ago, Jackson State University professor Noel Didla was sitting outside Parlor Market in downtown Jackson waiting for friends. Suddenly, Craig Noone, the young visionary and chef who …


Dem Candidates A Minority at ‘Republican Woodstock'

Even though Democratic candidates are the minority at the Neshoba County Fair, many see the Republican-heavy grounds as a vital campaign stop to rub elbows with party supporters, media and …

Editor's Note

Start Moving

It's hard to describe the freedom that comes with not relying on a car for transportation, because for many people this means just the opposite. Last week a group of …


[Rainey] Jackson is Yours

I moved to Jackson in summer 2007 from St. Louis, Mo., for my first job out of college, a two-year fellowship at the Institute of Southern Jewish Life. I was …

Editor's Note

For Those We Love

We buried my cousin Anita last week. She was a beautiful, saucy blonde who used to tag around her brother Martie and me back on Fork Road in Neshoba County. …