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The Greenhouse Effect

If your mama was anything like mine, you probably heard "Eat your vegetables!" more than once at the supper table when you were a kid. As grownups, though, we've all …


Obama ‘Pulling Away'; Leads Men, Women, Every Age Group, Even Over-65

Newsweek's new numbers are in, and show why the McCain campaign is acting so erratic and desperate:


Guinness and Grits

For the past 13 years, I have marched with the O' Tux Society in Mal's St. Paddy's Parade, save for one when I had to attend a Boy Scout camping …


It's a College Town

Everyone remembers freshman days filled with new faces and being constantly lost. As much as you wanted to call your mom, your pride just wouldn't let you after an entire …


Cecilia Reese Bullock

Every time I'm in the presence of Cecilia Reese Bullock, a construction-company owner and real-estate mogul, some guy tries to pick her up. At least one. Usually more.


Yes, I Am a Smoker

For the last several months, I've been giving you facts, figures, ideas, and arguments about various ailments and health-improvement techniques. This time I want to get up-close and personal. I …

Editor's Note

The Mayor and His Women

It bugged the hell out of me when I got an e-mailed press release from Police Chief Shirlene Anderson's office late on July 3 with this subject line: "Chief Shirlene …


Palin-McCain Spreading Hate in the Lower 48

And they need to reel it in. Fast. This is ugly, and dangerous. Watch this one, as Palin encourages more.


White Rankin Teens Accused of Race Murder

CNN has a shocking report today, including surveillance video of Rankin County teens accused of killing James Craig Anderson in a race murder in June. Warning: Video contains disturbing scenes.


Mayor Johnson's ‘State of the City' Address

In its entirety: State of the City Address, Mayor Harvey Johnson, Jr., August 26, 2003, 5:30 p.m., Union Station


UPDATED: James Ford Seale Guilty On All Counts

After approximately two hours of deliberation, the jury in the federal kidnapping and conspiracy trial of James Ford Seale returned a unanimous verdict of guilty on all counts. The jury …

Frank Melton

[Johnson] Hear No Evil

More than two years after Mayor Frank Melton and police bodyguard Michael Recio destroyed a duplex on Ridgeway Street, they may finally answer for their crimes in federal court.


No Stoplight for Bubba

With his stiff blue collar and black-rimmed glasses, state Rep. Randy "Bubba" Pierce looks and smiles just like a politician. When we spotted him at the Neshoba County Fair, he …


Such Sweet Sorrow

Since July 2004, Ross Olivier has been pastor of the Galloway Methodist Church in Jackson, bringing with him experience forged in South Africa's anti-apartheid movement. As we spoke last Monday, …


Grand Hotel: Does the King Edward Have a Glorious Future?

Jackson Mayor Frank Melton attempted to put some gas behind the renovation of the King Edward Hotel July 22 when, through the media, he gave his staff about a month …


Mayor Yvonne Brown: Guided by Faith, Driven to Serve

Since she has took office in 2001, Mayor Yvonne Brown, 54, of Tchula has made it known that she is a woman deeply influenced by her faith and committed to …


Melton's Honeymoon, Part VI: The Mayor and The Police

Mayor Frank Melton swept into the city's mayor office July 4 with a badge and a side arm, determined to take a bite out of crime. During that time, he's …


Mississippi Youth Vote ‘Blue'

You've heard it a million times since Election Day: It's hard to be redder, electorally speaking, than the state of Mississippi. Well, yeah—unless you're under 30. Young Mississippi voters not …

Tease photo Talk

We Were Walking Downtown

Sweat pours down my brow as I'm walking on President Street in late July. The weatherman predicts at least 100 degrees, but with concrete surrounding me, it already feels like …


Candidate Sandridge Says Jackson Threatens Madison ‘Way of Life'

Here is the full write-up:

In his bought campaign write-up in The Northside Sun this week, Madison County Sheriff candidate Mark Sandridge amps up the anti-Jackson rhetoric that brought him massive criticism in May when …