All results / Stories / Jackson Free Press


Parents to Ask JPS to Reconsider Supt. Picks

The Jackson Public Schools board has narrowed down its field of possible superintendents to two, but some parents say the district should search again for a candidate with more experience …

Tease photo Person of the Day

Thea Faulkner

In Jackson, people perceive public schools as having many problems and challenges, Thea Faulkner said, and rightly so. Sometimes, people focus so much on the negatives, however, that they don't …

Scrapping for Funds

The Mississippi Department of Education says it needs a 13-percent funding increase in 2013, but most of the increase includes funding that the department was legally entitled to in previous …

Bright Future

Despite the recent high-profile bankruptcy of Solyndra, a solar panel manufacturer in Fremont, Calif. that was backed by a federal loan guarantee, proponents of solar power in Mississippi said the …


[Rob In Stereo] Evaluating a Five-Star Album

My family subscribed to Rolling Stone magazine through my grade school years. Though the stories often went over my head, I was always avidly interested in the album reviews—especially the …


[Talk] What's in the Water?

The City of Jackson was inconvenienced last week when officials released a precautionary boil-water alert because samples showed bacteria that can cause digestive problems. Everyone scrambled for alternatives. Residents lugged …

City Unveils Urban Garden

On the corner of Capitol and Adams Streets, city work crews and volunteers are busy transforming an empty lot into a community garden that will provide fresh produce and a …

Bus Drivers Fighting for Contract Improvements

School bus drivers in Hinds, Madison, Clay and Yazoo counties are negotiating for better wages to bring them up from the lowest levels in the area. The drivers, employees of …

Ex-Hinds Official Defends Radio Purchase

Larry Fisher, former emergency operations director for Hinds County, defended the city of Clinton's purchase of 19 emergency radios today, challenging the claim by Board of Supervisors President Robert Graham …

Person of the Day

Pam Greer

Pam Greer remembers what it felt like to not get any Christmas gifts. When she was a child growing up in Magnolia, Miss., her family couldn't afford them and were …



The company that makes KOOL cigarettes is deviously trying to entice young people of the hip-hop generation into the trap of consuming tobacco, a group that fosters healthy habits in …

Dancing, Books and Brunch

Tonight, go put on your dancing shoes and head to Fondren Corner (2906 N. State St.) for Salsa Mississippi's Latin Rooftop Dance Party at 8 p.m., $10. The weather looks …

Loome: Politicians Misrepresenting MAEP Formula

[Verbatim from Nancy Loome] There has been a good deal of political posturing surrounding the Mississippi Department of Education's announcement of the updated MAEP figures. Rest assured that the negative …

Obama to Address Nation Tonight

President Barack Obama is expected to release details about a $300 billion jobs package during a televised speech at 6 p.m. tonight.

Herman's Picks

[Herman's Picks] Vol. 8, No. 41

Fans of jam bands will want to support the return of Colonel Bruce Hampton & the Quark Alliance to Martin's Friday night.


2011 Chicks We Love Announced: Honor Them at Chick-A-BOOM Reception at JFP Chick Ball!

Every year, the Jackson Free Press honors a slate of fabulous Jackson-area women who are making a difference in our community and who are just plain lovable. Last year, the …


I Came, I Saw, I Nuked

: A Review of Empire Earth II (Platform: PC)

Strategy games are a mixed bag. Some find them impossible to get into, others can't stand the slow pace, and some just can't get the tactics down. But when you …


Sens Face Uncertain Future

Support local baseball! The Senators' first home game is May 12 at 10:30 a.m. against San Angelo at Smith-Wills. (Click below for full schedule.)


Odds And Ends

Have you ever eaten odds and ends? I'll wager not. I'll go so far as to bet you cannot even guess what makes up odds and ends.


Basketball For Dummies

During the final game of the 2009-2010 NBA championship, I accompanied my Hungarian friend and her boyfriend, Attila, to a performance of the International Ballet Competition. I said to Attila, …