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[City Buzz] Colonel Snoop Reporting for Duty, Sir

JACKAL SMOKED OUT … Like the rest of the world, Jacksonians of all political persuasions were all aglow in the days leading up to Christmas over the capture of long-time …


Weed and Seed: Successes and frustration with community policing

The duties of a policeman share a similarity to that of firefighting in that the majority of effort exerted by law enforcement usually happens after the brunt of the damage …

Oil Spill

State Waits for the Oil; Fla., La. Declare Emergencies

Mississippi's oyster fishermen, already hit earlier in the year with scares of infected seafood, greeted a stormy last day of the commercial season, along with possibilities of being unable to …


A Compromise Lake Plan?

Read Mississippi Engineering Group's Report (PDF)

Oil Spill

Gulf Coast AGs Seek Spill ‘Clarifications'

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood and the attorneys general from four other states affected (or potentially affected) by oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico are looking for clarification of …

Editor's Note

Spreading False Fears

Women are stupid. At least that's what the National Independent Women's Forum seems to believe. This week the Republican-leaning non-profit advocacy group aired a television ad with inaccurate information about …


The Death of Grass Roots?

The Web site http://www.grassroots.com isn't exactly what one would expect. There aren't any passionate people promising to stand up for issues, no local communities to join, no petitions to sign. …


‘Thurgood's Coming:' Tale of a Hero Lawyer

When Thurgood Marshall hung out his shingle in 1933 as an attorney in his hometown of Baltimore, he immediately became a very popular attorney among fellow African Americans. One problem, …

[Gregory] Thank God I'm White

The other day I was reading the letters to the editor of The Clarion-Ledger. This isn't a new activity. I will admit, I usually boot up the computer in the …


[Balko] Another Senseless Drug War Death

The Jonathan Ayers story was already outrageous enough. Last September, a North Georgia narcotics task force gunned down Ayers, a 28-year-old Baptist pastor from Lavonia, Ga., in the parking lot …


The Anti-Feminist Left

If you think liberalism implies feminism, think again.

Just ask Lakshmi Chaudhry. The editor-in-chief of In These Times, Chaudhry wrote a


Boys & Girls Club to Close?

More than 1,000 Jackson schoolchildren could be left unsupervised after school if a local community organization does not receive donations soon. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Mississippi plans …


A Dream Deferred

Thomas Moore got a dose of his home state that he could like last week. After the Jackson Free Press published a narrative of his visit back to Meadville and …


The Schwindickermans

First there were Bennifer and Tomkat, and then came Brangelina. And now Jackson has the Schwindickermans, also known as Darren Schwindaman, 27, and Melia Dicker, 30. The playfulness of combining …


In Living Color: Step Into Loft Living

Loft living is a growing trend in Jackson, just as it is in other metropolitan areas around the country, as people look for creative, alternative living spaces in former commercial …

Publisher's Note

'Balance'or Pandering?

The Clarion-Ledger's editorial director has asserted that when Molly Ivins was alive, he ran Ivins and Ann Coulter columns in rotation because they "balance" one another.

Editor's Note

Ode To Ms. Wilson

I had my first encounter with jazz—real jazz, the kind that washes over your body like a cool, gentle caress—when I was a high-school sophomore at Murrah High School. One …

Publisher's Note

Why We Do It

In just the past week or so, I've become a bit obsessed with the question of "Why?"

Editor's Note


When managing editor Maggie Neff walked into my office a couple months ago and closed the door, I sensed what was coming. She and husband J.P. were moving to Chattanooga …


Caveman Obsession, Part II - Video Clips

My sickness, ahem, fascination began with the GEICO ads. Here's a collection of those ads that have kept me in stitches: