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Malik Rahim: ‘This Is Criminal'

The following report by Malik Raham was e-mailed to us by Jan Hillegas, a Jackson-based veteran of the Civil Rights Movement. Rahim, a veteran of the Black Panther Party in …


BeerTalk: The Belgians Are Coming!

Belgian beers are renowned around the world for their excellent quality, complexity and taste, as well as their rich history and the sheer variety of brands and styles available. While …


Obama Opens Up 14-Point Lead Due to Palin and Attacks

CBS News just announced the results of its latest poll, which finds that Barack Obama has opened up a 14-point lead over John McCain in one week, and has taken …


Kamikaze: Left Behind, by Alphonso Mayfield

The term "kamikaze" is a well-known phrase used to identify Japanese pilots who flew suicide missions during World War II. However, the term has a much deeper significance with the …


'Local' Means More than 'Locale'

In her Aug. 21 column, "How Locavores Brought On Local-Washing," Forbes magazine Deputy Editor Elisabeth Eaves takes umbrage with the story "A Local Lie" (link) published here and in a …

CHICK: Nice Southern Girls Do Breastfeed

It looked like any other picnic scene you would find in a Chapel Hill, N.C., park on a beautiful spring day. Lots of trees, grass, children, Frisbees, dogs and smoking …

Publisher's Note

When A Plan Comes Together

"I love it when a plan comes together" was the signature line of George Peppard in his role as Hannibal Smith on the 1980s TV show "The A Team." It's …


Millsaps at Vietnam

"I thought I was having a hallucination," student Sharon Yoo wrote in her journal. "It was like the scenery from the movie 'Avatar.'"


So…Am I Wrong For Pointing This Out?

Anyone else notice the extreme disparities in the comments on the Clarion Ledger sight re: The Ridgeland Shooting vs. The Terry Shooting? Both incidents. Tragic. Avoidable. Domestic disputes involving family …

EDITORIAL: McMillin Needs a Chief, Not a Badge

This editorial appears in the print edition this week. The mayor has requested that Council schedule a time at a special meeting today at 4 p.m. to confirm Sheriff McMillin …

[Sawyer] Replacing the Law Book with the Good Book

"Value voters" is becoming the new buzz phrase in politics. They are identified as evangelicals, fundamentalists, so-called suburban moms and NASCAR dads, and conservative Catholics. When it comes right down …

Bluntson Threatens Legal Action Against Mayor

Jackson City Council President Frank Bluntson said yesterday that he would take legal action against Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr., if necessary, to obtain the names and salaries of all city …

Frank Melton

Melton Admits 'Failure' on Crime Issue

Download audio of Melton press conference on 12.30.08 (.wav, 15.42MB)

Tease photo Cover

‘Killing Ourselves with Convenience'

On a Sunday afternoon at Lumpkin's BBQ on Raymond Road, a predominately African American crowd dressed in formal suits and dresses fill their plates from a buffet line. The restaurant's …


Give It to Me Straight

Is it OK with you that only about a third of Mississippians are making decisions for all of us? Are you tired of not having anyone you want to vote …

[Balko] SWAT Gone Wild

In pushing back against the abuse he suffered at the hands of the Prince George's County police department, Berwyn Heights, Md. Mayor Cheye Calvo is helping expose a more widespread …


‘The Help' Comes Home

Skeeter Phelan never intended to be a catalyst for change.


Melton: Hood Is Wrong

Read PDFs of documents that Melton faxed to the JFP to prove that he can carry weapons places prohibited by state law. Click here for the PDFs.


'Southern Female Attitude'

Songs by Athens, Ga.-based band Drive-by Truckers run the gamut from "stories of corruption, crime and killing" (as Mike Cooley's "Cottonseed" puts it) to modern tales of the Iraq War …