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Open Thread: Election Chatter - Presidential

What is it you need to say about the presidential election? Let 'er rip!


Why Donner Kay Is Blogging Again

OK, I've been bad. Of a fashion. In recent months, I've gotten so caught up in new projects (like the new BOOM Jackson quarterly!) and in volunteer work and in …

Community Events and Public Meetings

Events at Fleet Feet Sports (Trace Station, 500 Highway 51 N., Ridgeland). Free; call 601-899-9696.

Frank Melton

Mary Johnson: Where's My House?

The Clarion-Ledger had a good story yesterday about Mary Johnson, to whom Frank Melton promised a new house if she would tear down her old one. The problem, of course, …

Frank Melton

Who Is Michael (Larry) Chapman?

Or whatever his real name is. And why is Frank Melton stashing him in a motel?

Pearl River

LeFleur Lakes DOA?

LeFleur Lakes developer John McGowan insists that his project to flood the Pearl River basin between Jackson and Flowood to create lakefront property for downtown Jackson is dead in the …

Editor's Note

South Toward Home

Coming of age in Neshoba County, I considered Jackson the big city. I loved standing in the seat of our long turquoise Chevrolet, my left hand curled around my Daddy's …

[Fleming] Goodbye, My Friend

In the early spring of 1993, I had a serious decision to make. One choice was to become a lance corporal in the United States Marine Corps, having served six …


Lies, Damn Lies and ‘Dangerous' Rankings

Heard that Jackson is one of the "most dangerous" cities? Read the fine print.

Publisher's Note

Innocents Abroad

It was with a bit a trepidation that I approached last week's bus trip to Little Rock arranged by former City Councilman Ben Allen, now president of Downtown Jackson Partners.


Steer Clear of the Clover

With St. Patrick's Day upon us, I found myself asking the same question I ask every year: At what point did St. Paddy's become a green Mardi Gras? By the …

Tease photo Cover

Saving Two Lakes: Is It Worth It?

The Pearl River is an easy force of nature to contend with, providing you are an optimist about it.


Stay With Us, or Lose Business

Spurred anew by the closing of a Kroger grocery store in South Jackson, Ward 6 Councilman Marshand Crisler is pushing an effort to encourage residents to purchase goods inside the …


College Football Preview 2006

Will this be the fall of our discontent? Let's face facts, Mississippi college football fans, things don't look good for the home teams. None of the state teams are picked …

Home & Garden

Get Out of Town! Going Camping with Kids

In the midst of a seemingly endless swirl of meetings and errands and doctor's appointments and laundry to be put in drawers, there is nothing quite like a weekend escape …


Few Fireworks Over Budget

Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. Spent Monday, April 30, lobbying lawmakers to pass a bill to let the city to levy a small sales tax increase for infrastructure improvements. At …

[Hutchinson] America Loves to Hate Sharpton

The FBI warned Al Sharpton that an unspecified, dangerous substance may have been mailed to his National Action Network office in New York. The only thing really remarkable about the …


[Balko] Cops Don't Check Civil Rights at State House Door

The debate over whether citizens should be permitted to record on-duty police officers intensified this summer. High-profile incidents in Maryland, Illinois, Florida, Ohio, and elsewhere spurred coverage of the issue …

Frank Melton

BREAKING: Supreme Court Calls for Danks Hearing

The Mississippi Supreme Court issued an order (PDF, 48 KB) dated April 16 remanding Judge Tomie Green's call for sanctions against former Mayor Dale Danks to Hinds County Circuit Court.