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Frank Melton

Motion Sickness

Attorneys for the defense filed yet more motions in the upcoming felony trial of Mayor Frank Melton and detectives Michael Recio and Marcus Wright.


The Duel in Dallas

After months of hot practices, two-a-days, preseason games, 16 regular-season games and battles against injuries, only two teams are left standing on the verge of immortality.


[Miller] Coal Plant: Unnecessary, Expensive and Dirty

The Mississippi Sierra Club, AFL-CIO and NAACP strongly oppose Mississippi Power Company's proposal to build a $2.4 billion "clean coal" plant and adjoining mine in Kemper County.

Frank Melton

Melton's Attorney: ‘He Is In Charge'

Mayor Frank Melton's attorney John Reeves said today that the mayor has no need to appoint an interim mayor after confirming that Melton traveled home to Texas after leaving the …


Playing Civil Rights Favorites?

Animosity continues to rage between advocates of the city of Jackson and friends of Tougaloo College over the proposed location of a National Civil Rights Museum with advocates of a …


[The JFP Interview] Ross Olivier Comforts and Afflicts

Soft-voiced but thickly accented, Ross Olivier, 49, is a man of dedication. He was dedicated when he led 23 congregations in apartheid-ridden South Africa, and he's dedicated now as the …


In The Nature of Things

"After I came out, I found out that my father is bisexual. My brother is gay. There's five of us that are gay in my extended family. How could that …


Clarion-Ledger on the 'Saddened But Perhaps Wiser' Melton

The Clarion-Ledger editorial boys weigh in today with another brillliant screed about crime. The guys–who are now into community-style policing now that the mayor/chief who were into it, too, are …


Readers' Valentine's Day Letters

From Dianne Bell

The response to our call for Valentine's love letters was terrific. Unfortunately, we couldn't possibly print all of them. Below are the ones that didn't get into our print edition …


Jackpedia Quiz: You Are A Jacksonian If ...

Remember the controversial list, "You Are a Jacksonian If ..." that we published two years ago? It was a throwaway piece, but it got all sorts of chatter going on …


Police Chief Accused of Denying Gay Man CPR

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (March 3) - A McDowell County police chief was accused in a federal lawsuit Thursday of stopping a would-be rescuer from performing CPR on a gay heart attack …


The Ledger's Co-Dependency with Frank Melton

One wonders where The Clarion-Ledger edit-boyz came up with this lead to their editorial berating their mayor for doing, pretty much, exactly what he indicated he would do during the …


General Gourmet

You would never guess that the man standing at attention—waiting for me on the sidewalk, dressed in a crisp linen short-sleeved shirt and cuffed khakis, cordovan wingtips softly gleaming—is 90 …


Republican Party, Remake Thyself (You, Too, Barbour)

Politico's headline today, GOP In Dire Straits, says it all. Don't miss Haley Barbour's take at the end, telling Obama how to be, er, non-partisan:


‘An Old Washington Hand Goes Home to Mississippi'

David E. Rosenbaum writes in the New York Times today about Haley Barbour's return to Mississippi: "Mr. Barbour must overcome the charge that he has spent his career as a …

Frank Melton

WAPT: Melton Wants to Mentor, Use Police Equipment

WAPT is reporting that Frank Melton is trying to get conditions of his bond overturned because he still wants to be able to mentor young people and use police equipment. …


Subjective Truths

French author André Gide wrote: "Trust those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it." I wrote the quote on a white sticky in magenta ink yesterday and …


Motorola County Limits

March 30, 2005 A resolution to a public-safety communications problem, proposed by Jackson Police Chief Robert Moore and Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr., was shot down at the Hinds County Emergency …

Gay Rights Activists Protest MC

Photo credit: Brian Johnson

Photo caption: Soulforce co-director Katie Higgins was among those arrested at Mississippi College Thursday.