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UPDATED: New Voters, More Postage

The stamp box on your absentee ballot envelope isn't big enough, says Hinds County Circuit Clerk Barbara Dunn. The size of the envelope and the ballot inside raises the postage …

Clarion-Ledger Publisher Explains 20 Layoffs

Following a directive from its corporate owner, Gannett, The Clarion-Ledger laid off 20 people Thursday—7 percent off its already-depleted staff—in addition to freezing the positions open from recent resignations. Three …


Momentum Gaining Momentum?

Tempers flared for the first real time on the floor of the Mississippi House of Representatives May 26 as lawmakers argued over an amendment by Rep. Bennett Malone, D-Carthage, to …

Frank Melton

Melton Timeline

July 4, 2005 — New Mayor Frank Melton was sworn in at City Hall. In his speech, he promised that any young person who wanted one could have a job …


ACLU Fights Prom Cancellation

To help protect teen Constance McMillen's decision to bring her girlfriend to the prom, the Mississippi ACLU will file an injunction next week to prevent the Itawamba County School District …


How to Remake a Neighborhood

Affordable housing is not a typical prestige project for architecture firms. A new development in Jackson's North Midtown neighborhood may dispel that notion, though, applying innovative design on a relatively …


Attack of the Orange Barrels

<b>City Revitalization Isn't Easy, But It's Under Way</b>

Humanity, in general, is like a germ. it comes along, consumes all that is consumable, makes more of itself, leaves a bad smell everywhere, then moves on to repeat the …


A New Sheriff? JFP Interview with Henry Grigsby

I do a little garden work, farming, and I haul a little timber. I live in Utica, out on Morrison Road. I've been a Hinds County resident for 24 years.

[Grayson] Fixing The Whole Problem

I have been trying to keep silent about the recent devastation that has plagued our city government, resulting in indictments of the mayor and his bodyguards. I convinced myself that …


Baptist's Belhaven Shakeup; New Pizza Shack Opening

Baptist Health Systems will break ground this year on a five-story, mixed-use building in Belhaven. The 130,000-square-foot facility will house four floors of medical offices and a ground floor of …

A Week of Layoffs

Dozens of Mississippians lost their jobs this week in layers of irony. Mississippi Department of Employment—the agency that helps people who get fired or laid off—said Wednesday that it will …


2007 - 08 College Hoops Preview

Uncertainty hangs over Mississippi's Big Four men's basketball teams like a death cloud over a doomed city in some lurid pulp novel. Are the Rebels and Eagles really that good? …


Anti-Semitism at Jackson-Based Right-Wing Blog?

Over at Ipse blog, attorney Jim Craig is calling out the local right-wing blog run by Alan Lange for anti-Semitism for a rather remarkable video they've cooked up against Travis …


Madison Mayor Running for State Auditor?

In an interview with Better Mississippi Report yesterday, Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler said she might consider running for state auditor in the 2011 statewide elections. "For the first time …


I'M FAT!!!!!

I had a doctor's visit recently, and I almost passed out when I saw the numbers on the scale. I gained 35 POUNDS in two years! Well...

Tease photo Cover

Art on the Gulf

Silvery, coppery structures twist among old live oak trees near the shore of the Mississippi Sound, close to where the Biloxi Schoon­er docks. This is the site of the Ohr-O'Keefe …


Rudy: What a Hypocrite

So now the man who ran an entire crime-fighting plan with gun control at its base is now a "strict constructionist" when it comes to the Second Amendment. You know …


The War in Iraq

October 7, 2004 It appears that the single most important issue of this campaign is the war in Iraq. Even as other domestic and security issues are part of the …


[Kamikaze] Dear Whiners

This column is dedicated to the whiners. Loyal readers, I suggest you copy and paste this column into an e-mail message to all the naysayers, cynics and haters of Jackson.


Fun, Jackson Style

Don't waste all your summer hours indoors in front of the TV, get out and enjoy Jackson. The metro area holds a variety of activities suited for all ages. Try …