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Drama and hysteria don't change the world

After getting sucked into a couple different JFP conversations about the (over)reaction to recent Census numbers (the most recent one here), I've been thinking a lot about drama and the …


‘A Real Buzz': Young People Expected to Vote in Record Numbers

New York Times today: "After dismal turnout by young voters in 2000, surveys this year show that interest in the election among the young is near the highest level it …


50 Cent Slams Gay Men; Says Lesbians ‘Cool'

MTV News reports: "In a wide-ranging interview with Playboy magazine, 50 Cent has let his feelings on homosexuality be known, in language sure to draw the ire of gay-rights supporters. …


Some Things Should Be Off-Limits. Period.

I don't care that it's standard political practice. It doesn't matter to me what tradition dictates. Some things should be off limits. Period. Wife, kids, family, personal lives and the …

[Mangum] Every Child, One Voice?

"Hey, FAGGOT!" Not exactly what you want to hear starting the school day, right? But I can't tell you the number of days of my Mississippi junior high school life …

Tease photo Cover

Ending the Silence

Bringing Rape and Sexual Assault out of Shame's Closet

Anthony Sowell had been out of prison about three years after serving 15 for attempted rape when he ran into Gladys Wade outside a neighborhood store in Cleveland, Ohio, on …


Soldier's Heart

The first time Kristin Peterson's husband hit her, she was asleep in their bed. She awoke that night a split second after Joshua's fist smashed into her face and ran, …


‘Confederacy of Dunces'

Salon's Joan Walsh reports that Howard Dean's critics have it wrong: "Does anyone really believe that former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean was borrowing a playbook from the GOP and telegraphing …

JFP Chick Ball Raises $7,000 for Domestic Abuse Victims

A preliminary count shows that the 3rd annual JFP Chick Ball raised just over $7,000 for the Center for Violence Prevention in Pearl. This amount was raised through direct donations, …


Chasing Amy

<b>Can Barbara Blackmon Make History?</b>

Read the full transcript of this interview on the JFP Politics Blog.


Is Our Entire System of Government in JXN/Hinds/MS/U.S. Corrupt? Or just Incompetent?

I dunno folks. Ive become preeety apathtic lately and indifference has crept in. I think that if we as good citizens are to actually get something accomplished we can pretty …

Radio JFP to Discuss Melton Interview Noon Friday

Here's a double whammy for y'all. Mayor Frank Melton is slated to appear on Ben Allen's WJNT radio show Friday morning. Then, at noon, the JFP will discuss is comments …

[Greggs] The Vanilla City

This next statement pains me to admit: I live in Madison. There, I said it. It's not that I don't love my home out here in the country. I do. …

Is The Clarion-Ledger the Worst Daily in the U.S.?

This thread contains analysis of the Clarion-Ledger's reporting on Melton, talk about Melton's record of drug arrests at MBN, and Ben Allen on the friendship between Kenneth Stokes and Frank …


Chicks We Love

It takes only 10 minutes of talking to Dr. Nirupa Mohandas to hear about her love life and dating experiences. As a native of India, Nirupa's open-minded parents still expected …


Week 2 in the Czech Republic: Feelings of Inadequacy

Greetings all. Its my second week across the pond and my body is still on Mississippi time. Ive tried to intimate to people how physically demanding touring can be. For …

Frank Melton

Sheriff to Return Evans Welch to Jail?

BREAKING: Five or six sheriffs' cruisers came to rearrest Evans Welch at about 4 p.m. today, according to Evan's mother Louvenia Welch.

Editor's Note

Owning Our Stories

The last time I talked to documentary filmmaker Micki Dickoff, we were standing on Center Avenue in my hometown during the Edgar Ray Killen trial. I was yelling at her …