All results / Stories / R.L. Nave

Tease photo Civil Rights

Freedom Summer to Empower Youth

Albert Sykes grew up in west Jackson the next block over from the street where Medgar and Myrlie Evers lived, but says he never had a real connection to the …

Tease photo City & County

‘What the Religion Teaches’: Feeding the Homeless in Smith Park

Bilal Qizilbash has been bringing dinner to homeless people in Smith Park every Friday for almost nine months, but he and his fellow volunteers never ask anyone about their housing …

Tease photo Editor's Note

The Dilemma of America’s Dad

If "America's dad" is a rapist, doesn't that mean we've all been living a lie? What other lies have we been telling ourselves? What truths are we afraid to know?

Tease photo Books

Pitts: The South is Overdue for Reckoning

Leonard Pitts Jr. will sign copies of Grant Park at Lemuria Books on Nov. 18 at 5 p.m. He recently spoke to the Jackson Free Press about race, writing and …

Tease photo City & County

No Room for Hinds Inmates

Whatever comes out of this week's special Hinds County Board of Supervisors meeting on the condition of the Raymond Detention Center, one thing is clear: Surrounding county jails are ill-equipped …

Tease photo City & County

Contract for UMMC and Lee's MPI Comes in Focus

The details of a dispute between Jackson mayoral candidate Jonathan Lee's family company, Mississippi Products Inc., and an MPI customer that Lee has refused to name is becoming more clear.

Tease photo Editor's Note

Are Mississippi Officials Deadbeats?

The situation in Mississippi may be dire, but it's not hopeless. There are opportunities to drastically—not incrementally—improve things in Mississippi, but our leadership seems fixated on solutions looking for problems.


DOJ: Miss. Voting Maps OK

The U.S. Department of Justice has approved the Mississippi's legislative redistricting plans.

Tease photo Candidate

Williams: Hustle and Fight

Ted Williams says the key to unlocking Utica's economic-development potential just might start with a lunchtime eatery.

Tease photo City & County

Hell’s Warriors in 'Gideon's Army'

Dante encounters an inscription posted above the entrance that reads: “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”

Tease photo City & County

Jackson's Next Top Cop Is ...

On Monday, at Westside Community Center on Wiggins Road, Lee Vance and Juan Cloy talked about their approaches to crime prevention and policing.

Tease photo City & County

JPS Revamps Hiring Practices to Slash Teacher Vacancies

As of Aug. 19, there are only about 22 teacher vacancies among JPS' 60 schools, Superintendent Cedrick Gray told the Jackson City Council during a presentation of the district's budget …

Tease photo Education

Rep. Lester 'Bubba' Carpenter: 'Deeply Sorry' for Racial Comments

State Rep. Lester "Bubba" Carpenter, a Burnsville Republican, this morning walked back racially charged statements made public over the weekend about the Initiative 42 schools-funding referendum.

Tease photo City & County

How to End Persistent Poverty

In Mississippi, he points out, half the state's 82 counties have experienced persistent poverty, where at least 20 percent of the people have lived in poverty for three decades.

Tease photo City & County

‘No Excuse’: Where the Sidewalks End

Three people have been killed in the past three years in wheelchair-related accidents in Jackson, and some 100 in the past decade, according to local news clippings included in a …

Tease photo Candidate

Lap’s Rocky Road

James "Lap" Baker, who recently retired from the Hinds County Public Works Department, wants to put infrastructure improvements back on track as the county's District 4 supervisor.

Tease photo Business

Ministers, Black-Owned Businesses Want More Contracts and City Support

Three dozen business owners and clergy members gathered in front of City Hall on Sept. 30 to charge that infighting among city officials has thrown Jackson into economic paralysis.

Tease photo Interview

A Mississippi Tea Party Chat

Janis Lane, president of the Central Mississippi Tea Party, said conservatives want America to return to its roots of "limited government, free markets and fiscal responsibility."

Tease photo State

The Medicaid Question: Expand or Not?

In a less than eyebrow-raising new report, Mississippi's University Research Center has concluded that covering more people with Medicaid would cost the state millions upon millions of dollars.

Tease photo Health Care

Jackson Health Exec Touts Medicaid Expansion Benefits

Charlotte Dupré, chief executive officer of the Central Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, said the hospital would benefit if state lawmakers expand the Medicaid health-care program.