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Weekend Happenings

Tonight starts the long weekend Labor Day weekend for most of us, with Monday an official federal holiday. Get the weekend off to a rockin' or rappin' start by heading …

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Kerry Baker

Mississippians might remember the small town of Smithville in north Mississippi, which was hit particularly hard in April 2011 by a tornado.

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Dr. Leo Huddleston

When Dr. Leo Huddleston found out he had won the 2007 Jackson Free Press "Best of Jackson" awards for best chiropractor and best doctor, he was in Panama City, Fla., …

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Sex Trafficking: The Portable Crime

Sex traffickers frequently move girls around.

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Foster System Remains ‘Unacceptable’

Jamison J. had shuffled through 28 foster homes, mental institutions and temporary shelters, by the time he was 17 years old.

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Brendan O'Toole

Brendan O'Toole isn't using lavish fundraisers to raise $2 million to support veterans. Instead, he's using his stamina, endurance and, mostly, his feet on a 3,600-mile, coast-to-coast run.

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Newton H. James

Those who knew him best say that Newton H. James was a brave man at a time when such bravery came at the risk of life and livelihood in Mississippi. …

It's the Weekend

Despite Mercury being in retrograde (with its attendant communication, transportation and technical hijinks), you'll find plenty to do in and around Jacktown this weekend. If you're lucky enough to have …


Gifts That Matter

Every time I pick up my mail these days, I get a half-dozen pleas from non-profits and charities to send money. Unfortunately for them, it was last year that I …

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Everyone Needs a Roof

You've heard it before: For many Americans, homelessness is just a couple of paychecks away.

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Just Average Girls

Becoming a victim of sex trafficking can happen to those from "good" homes just as easily as it does to those from "bad" or poor circumstances. The crime cuts across …

Tonight: Childer's Tele-Town-Hall Meeting

Blue Dog Democratic Rep. Travis Childers announced yesterday that he will be holding a town-hall meeting via telephone tonight at 7:20 p.m. The congressman will make opening remarks, after which …

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Who's Watching Out for Children?

Yesterday, Democrats in the Mississippi Legislature began exploring that question during a public forum on mental-health and school-safety policy at the Capitol.

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Lullaby and Good Night

A 2013 National Sleep Foundation study reported that 67 percent of respondents said they don't get enough sleep, especially on workdays, and a lack of sleep can affect us dramatically.

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Battle of the Boxes

If there's one thing Mississippians love, it's their discount stores.

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Team JPS: Public Schools Need Community

On a drizzly early April evening, a group of students, parents and educators gathered at Provine High School's auditorium for a town hall meeting. The subject was dropout prevention.


Grisham in Jackson

Author John Grisham will be in town tomorrow night at a catfish dinner honoring former-Gov. Ronnie Musgrove.


[Green Eats] Giants Dominate Organics

If you think the farmer-in-the-dell wearing Birkenstocks and singing "Kum Ba Yah" owns that organic brand you're so fond of, think again. According to "Organic, Inc.: Natural Foods and How …

Health Care

National HIV/AIDS Town Hall Comes to Jackson

The White House Office of National AIDS Policy selected 14 cities for community discussions to develop and implement a national HIV/AIDS strategy. Among the stops is Jackson on Monday, Nov. …

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Race Equality Gap Growing

Black families in America have never reached the levels of wealth that American whites enjoy, a new report from Brandeis University finds.
