All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

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Six Things About Yoga

In yoga, you'll do plenty of stretching, but that's not the whole story. The physical practice can improve flexibility, strength, breath and focus.

Urban Myth 101

Last week, the Jackson Free Press received several e-mails proclaiming "Jackson Crime Alert" in the subject line. Obviously having been forwarded through dozens, maybe hundreds of prior e-mail addresses, the …


This Black Friday, Shop Local First

Black Friday this, and Black Friday that. Do you really, truly want to get up with the chickens and wait outside some big-box retailer to save a few dollars on …

Mississippi No. 2 in Gun Deaths

States like Mississippi with high gun ownership and weak gun laws lead the nation in gun deaths, concludes a new report by the non-profit Violence Policy Center based in Washington, …

Oil Spill

Barbour Taking Heat for Oil Responses

Gov. Haley Barbour is being criticized on several fronts for his response to the damaged BP well in the Gulf that has spewed millions of gallons of oil into the …

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Protecting the Kids

On Oct. 24, after an eight-month investigation and two months of unsuccessfully trying to negotiate with the defendants, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the county, the …

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'Quagmire' of Voter ID

After Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann's scathing retort yesterday to "The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification," the Brennan Center for Justice is standing by its conclusions.


The Squeaker That Roared

Few called the election a sure thing for President Barack Obama before the polls closed yesterday.

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BCBS Change Sparks Concerns, Legislation

Dr. Elizabeth Perry and other health professionals are concerned about a new "benefit" that Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi has added to its plans this year to end …

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Crime? There’s an App for That

Instead of fighting the fact that the overwhelming majority of Jackson's high-school students have mobile phones, Ward 6 Councilman Tony Yarber is hoping to convince young people—and all Jacksonians—to use …

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JPS to Keep Accreditation

Jackson Public Schools is on track with its programs for disabled children, Superintendent Cedrick Gray announced Monday, lifting the threat of losing its accreditation over violations of the Individuals with …

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Hope for Harper Grace

Harper Grace Durval, now 2, has a rare form of epilepsy, Dravet Syndrome. Her daily grand mal seizures include unconsciousness, severe muscle contractions, and loss of bladder and bowel control. …

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Stop Dieting, Be Healthy

Diet is a four-letter word. For people who struggle with weight, the word conjures images of hardship and long lists of what we shouldn't be eating and doing.

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Mississippi Women's Turn: Can They Break the Political Ceiling?

The political landscape might have shifted in Mississippi, but in 2012, women are still struggling with the same issues.


[Evans] A New Model for Cutting Medical Costs

Word is that Harvard Professor Dr. Atul Gawande's article on McAllen, Texas, is required reading in the White House. Published in the June 1, 2009 issue of The New Yorker, …


Jam, Y'all

Jackson's biggest music and art street festival kicks into high gear Friday, June 13. This year marks the 21st time that Capitol Street downtown will transform into a rockin', dancin', …

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Race Equality Gap Growing

Black families in America have never reached the levels of wealth that American whites enjoy, a new report from Brandeis University finds.

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Council Hears Zoning Issues; Certifies Election

Jackson City Council members heard opposing views on zoning issues on Tuesday, Jan. 21, and some briefly called into question the results of Jan. 14 vote to approve a 1-percent …

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Lessons in Abstraction

For every abstraction that leaves you cold, another may set your imagination afire. The viewer's experience is essential to abstract art, says Jackson artist Jonathan Berry, even though it was …

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‘Standing Close By’ The JFP Interview with Dr. Hannah Gay

Dr. Hannah Gay received international acclaim after the news of an apparent “cure” of an HIV-infected child in her care became public in March.