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State Revenues Under Estimate Again

State tax revenues were down again in November by 6.88 percent, making last month the 15th consecutive month in a row where the state's income fell below expectations. The Mississippi …

Domestic Violence

Happiness Worth Celebrating

In my own relationship with an abusive man, "You're the best" turned fairly quickly into "I'm the only one who loves you," along with overt attempts to demonize my friends …

Barbour Still ‘No' on Federal Funds

Gov. Haley Barbour reportedly renewed his criticism of the Obama administration's economic bailout package during the National Governors Association winter meeting in Washington, D.C. this past weekend.

Domestic Violence

[Mott] Happiness Worth Celebrating

For too long in Mississippi, the legal community--police, lawyers and judges--have seen domestic abuse as a problem best dealt with at home. Women bring violence on themselves, the thinking goes; …

Domestic Violence

[Mott] Not One More Victim

The bad economy and shrinking budget is not an excuse for failing to add teeth to laws protecting women.


[Mott] ‘Bring On the Rest'

Driving away from Parchman Penitentiary on the night Mississippi executed Joseph Burns, I was having trouble putting my feelings into words. I had just watched a man die in front …

Barbour Furloughs Rapist, Then Retracts

Leslie Bowlin lay in wait for his young victim, watching her roommates leave their shared apartment in the Canterbury Townhouses in Starkville one by one for the Christmas break. When …

Barbour Talks Party Line on Cap & Trade

In a speech yesterday at the Southern Growth Policies Board, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour repeated the GOP's party line about the Obama administration's proposed cap and trade energy policies, repeatedly …

Oil Spill

Mississippi ‘Prepares for the Worst'

As expected, the oil spill caused by the explosion and sinking of BP-owned rig Deepwater Horizon April 20 reached the mouth of the Mississippi River this morning, reports CNN. The …

Barbour Co-founds Anti-Democratic Group

Looking for a political comeback, leaders in the Republican Party yesterday launched a group to strategically oppose the Democratic agenda, reports The Wall Street Journal.

Barbour Mum about Federal Stimulus Funds

As of Wednesday morning, Gov. Haley Barbour has yet to announce whether he will accept funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which could provide Mississippi with $2.3 billion …


GOP's Answer to "Charting a New Course": Name Calling

You've got to love it. On Wednesday, Republicans abandoned the idea of relabeling the Democratic Party. The proposed new name? The Democratic Socialist Party. The Republican National Committee actually held …

Oil Spill

New Oil Estimate: 60,000 Barrels

Officials have once again revised their estimates of the amount of oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico from the site of the devastated Deepwater Horizon rig, the fifth revision …

Tease photo Cover

Domestic Terrorism: Stalked to the Death

Adrienne Klasky knew for years that Michael Graham would kill her. She just didn't know when it would happen.

Wife Says Pickering's Affair Ended Career, Two Marriages

Leisha Jane Pickering, estranged wife of former Republican U.S. Rep. Charles "Chip" Pickering, filed a complaint in Hinds County Circuit Court this morning against Elizabeth Creekmore-Byrd for alienation of affection. …


Governor Commutes One Killer's Sentence, Not Another

In a move that illustrates the erratic nature of America's justice system, Gov. Haley Barbour commuted the sentence of Michael David Graham last Thursday, July 17. Graham, convicted for shooting …


UPDATED: Government Ignores Own Bio-Lab Safety Studies

Alert: The government's deadline for comments on the bio-lab facility is Monday, Aug. 25. See below for contact info.

Domestic Violence

UPDATED: Barbour Helps Domestic Killers

At least three of six criminals getting relief from Gov. Haley Barbour killed their former or current wife or girlfriend.

Another Round for Ole Miss Mascot

With Colonel Reb officially voted down as the school's mascot in February, the University of Mississippi is gathering votes on 11 alternate choices through Monday, July 5. The options, just …


Buying Judges: Tell the Whole Story

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals partially overturned the convictions of Mississippi attorney Paul Minor and former judges John Whitfield and Walter "Wes" Teel Friday.