All results / Stories / Ronni Mott


Shine a Light

What if you could actually see your own pain and that of everyone around you? That is the question at the heart of "The Illumination" , best-selling author Kevin Brockmeier's …

Mississippi Reports First Swine Flu Cases

The Mississippi State Department of Health today confirmed three cases of H1N1 flu, commonly called swine flu, in Harrison County on the Gulf Coast. The people infected, two adults and …

Senate Committee to Kill Override Attempt

A resolution passed by the House last month in an attempt to override Gov. Haley Barbour's rejection of $56 million in federal stimulus dollars will likely never get out of …

Barbour Talks Party Line on Cap & Trade

In a speech yesterday at the Southern Growth Policies Board, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour repeated the GOP's party line about the Obama administration's proposed cap and trade energy policies, repeatedly …

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Ending the Silence

Bringing Rape and Sexual Assault out of Shame's Closet

Anthony Sowell had been out of prison about three years after serving 15 for attempted rape when he ran into Gladys Wade outside a neighborhood store in Cleveland, Ohio, on …

Join the Candidates for Election Results

Part of the fun in voting comes when your candidate wins. Tonight, join one of the following mayoral candidates, along with supporters, volunteers and staff for an election night Watch …

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Obama Pushes Stimulus Transparency

In signing the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act today, President Barack Obama has embarked on what could be the defining action of his young presidency.


Register to Vote This Week

If you have not registered to vote yet, and you intend to vote in the May 5 primaries, get yourself to the Jackson City Clerk's office (219 S. President Street) …


Mississippi Casinos Feeling the Pinch

Casinos, which economists once thought were "recession proof," are feeling the slump along with the majority of other businesses across the country. The state Tax Commission reports that Mississippi casino …

JFP Giraffe of the Day: Ruby

Dec. 8, 2009, was a banner day for the Jackson Zoo and for its resident reticulated giraffes, Diamond and Casper. On that Tuesday, Diamond gave birth to her seventh calf, …


City's Crime Numbers Still Down Despite Shooting

Yesterday, the Jackson Police Department released ComStat crime figures for the week of Sept. 14 through Sept. 20. The report shows that major crime statistics in Jackson dropped again last …


Local Family Needs Our Help

The JFP has received the following e-mail about a Jackson family in need:

"The Ishakarahs, a local family of grassroots/ community artists, recently sustained major fire damage to their home on Capitol Street. In short, they are living without electricity. They need our …


Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank CEO to Speak at Southern Miss Conference

WHAT: Second annual Economic Outlook for South Mississippi Conference at Southern Miss.

SPECIFICS: Dennis P. Lockhart, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta will be the keynote speaker during the annual Economic Outlook for South Mississippi conference hosted by …

It's the Weekend!

Disregarding any gloom and doom on this Friday the 13th, go start the weekend right at the Eudora Welta Commons with gumbo and tunes at 7 p.m. For a mere …


DNA Says 'Not Guilty' 16 Years Later

Arthur Johnson may be returning home in a matter of days, 16 years after his arrest for a rape he did not commit. On Friday, Jan. 4, the Mississippi Supreme …

It's the Weekend

The place to be tonight is Hal & Mal's for the Winter 2009 Chick Jam. The fun kicks off at 8 p.m., with performances by Fedora Welty, Party Dots and …


Yearning for Home

When I was a child, we spent summers in the Catskill Mountains, where my mother ran a beauty shop. My father would drive up from Manhattan to join us on …

Editor's Note

An Ache in Our Souls

A few years ago, I made what was, for me, a radical step: joining the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson. For a minute or two, I was on the board …


Blue Christmas Without You

My extended family is tiny compared to most, and we habitually don't play well together. We live hundreds of miles from one another, and are infrequently inclined to get on …

Several Independents Running for Jackson Mayor

Next Tuesday, June 2, Jacksonians will go to the polls once again, this time for the general elections and all the marbles in the races for mayor and council seats. …