All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

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Mississippi Folks

This morning's historic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the majority of President Barack Obama's 2010 Affordable Care Act means that millions of Mississippians will continue to enjoy …

Tease photo City & County

Joyce Helmick: ‘Prove It’

Joyce Helmick has taught school for more than 37 years. In July, she took the leadership reins at the Mississippi Association of Educators, an organization that provides professional development for …

Legislators Make Child-Selling Illegal

A 2008 case where a Yalobusha County woman attempted to sell her granddaughter for $2,000 and a car prompted legislators to enact a law making selling children in Mississippi a …

Tease photo Economy

The Truth About Obamacare

If you spent any amount of time listening to the nattering voices of the negative, chances are you've heard any number of rumors, lies and half-truths about the Patient Protection …

Tease photo Business

Battle of the Boxes

If there's one thing Mississippians love, it's their discount stores.

Health Care

Senate Health-Care Bill Clears Crucial Hurdle

The U.S. Senate won a victory early this morning in the health-care debate, reports The Washington Post. In a 1 a.m. 60-to-40 vote, Senators approved the first of three procedural …

Study Reveals Conservatives Prefer Porn Online

A new study published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives indicates that eight of the top 10 "red" states—states that identify themselves as more conservative and religious than others, and …

Tease photo Editor's Note

Bryant’s Health-Care Rhetoric Doesn’t Add Up

Insured people do go to doctors more often. That’s exactly the point.

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to President Barack Obama "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has …

Tease photo City & County

JPS Refinancing Costly

The Jackson Public Schools Board of Trustees is refinancing millions worth of the district's bond debt.


Putting Babies in Danger

Recent news from the citizen-based environmental advocacy group Environmental California states that your baby's plastic baby-bottle may be leaching toxins. From their report's executive summary:

Tease photo Politics

Obamacare: Five Years and Counting

With Bryant's vow to undermine the ACA, the feds concluded that a state-run exchange was untenable. In January 2013, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius turned down Mississippi's …

Millsaps Named ‘Best Buy'

[verbatim] Millsaps College is one of only 24 private colleges nationwide and the only college in Mississippi named a "Best Buy" in the 2010 edition of Fiske's Top Financial Finds …

Tease photo Wellness

Start Where You Are

Every journey has a beginning. Trying to start in the middle—or at the end—is unrealistic and can leave us frustrated and defeated, even with a healthy dose of positive thinking.

Tease photo Jacksonian

Calden and Alden Hopkins

When Calden and Alden Hopkins talk about their lives, a picture of strong family devoted to service emerges.

Ridgeland Bans Pit Bulls

Yesterday, aldermen in the Jackson, Miss., suburb of Ridgeland joined nearby Clinton and Richland in passing an ordinance banning pit bulls. The Ridgeland ordinance also bans Staffordshire bull terriers, American …

Tease photo Editor's Note

Ask the Questions

The Centers for Disease Control estimates that the number of Americans—men, women and children—dead due to gun violence in the past seven months is closer to 20,000.

Three Mississippi Colleges Named ‘Best Buys'

Mississippi State University, Mississippi College and Millsaps College all made the 2009 Forbes "Best College Buys" list, which divides a school's overall quality score by its average tuition rates for …

Tease photo Art

Eudora Welty: Reading a Murderer’s Mind

Eudora Welty only wrote one story in anger. She drafted it the day she learned of Medgar Evers' assassination.

Tease photo Art

Universal Earth

Kristen Tordella-Williams has an affinity for dirt. Not the stuff that gathers under the couch, but the blacky-brown soil that gets under your nails, and the mound scraped away to …