All results / Stories / Ronni Mott


Jackson No. 3 'Best Bang-for-the-Buck' City

Americans are thinking differently when evaluating cities where they might settle down and raise a family. In the wake of the real-estate bubble and in the midst of major unemployment, …

Best of Jackson

Best of Jackson 2010: Food & Drink

<b>Best Restaurant and Best Place to Impress a Date:</b>

If this were a question on the SAT, it might read: "Andre Previn is to the orchestra pit as Derek Emerson is to the (a) kitchen, (b) dining room, (c) …

First Lady to Visit Jackson

Earlier this month, first lady Michelle Obama announced a campaign to solve childhood obesity in America. It only makes sense, then, that she would visit the capitol of Mississippi—the most …

Free At Last? Brewer May Go Free Friday

Two men who have served a combined 34 years behind bars for crimes they apparently did not commit may walk away free men on Friday, Feb. 15.


Taking Religion Back

Politics and religion: two subjects that should never be introduced in polite conversation. When I moved to Mississippi, the admonition became a hard and fast rule for me. Mississippi politics …

Domestic Violence

Pardons: ‘The Coward's Way Out'

Also see: JFP investigation of Barbour's 2008 Pardons of Domestic Killers


Cap & Trade: The Fight Ahead

Today, the Obama administration's plan to reduce greenhouse emissions and lower America's dependence on fossil fuels will come under intense Congressional scrutiny. With more than 50 witnesses scheduled to provide …

Johnson Forms School Board Transition Committee

Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. announced yesterday that he is forming a diverse transition committee to "examine the organization and policies of the Jackson Public School District," according to a …

Arkansas Shooter Pleads Not Guilty After Confession

This morning, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, 24, a Little Rock man formerly known as Carlos Bledsoe, pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and 15 counts of engaging in terrorist activities. Muhammad …


3rd Annual JFP Chick Ball - Raised $7,000!

May 18 Update: The Chick Ball raised just at $7,000 for the Center for Violence Prevention!

Plan your outfits now for the JFP's 3rd Annual JFP Chick Ball on Thursday, May 17, in Hal & Mal's Red Room. This one will be the biggest Chick Ball, …


Mayoral Candidates at Jackson State

You still have time to get to Jackson State University for a mayoral discussion forum this morning. Here are the details, per JSU:

Frank Melton

Doris Shavers' Family: Melton Lied

Shalandria Shavers, the 21-year-old daughter of domestic-violence victim Doris Shavers, and James Hopkins, Shavers' brother, served notice today to the city of Jackson and Mayor Frank Melton of a wrongful-death …


It's About Turnout, Stupid!

Crunching the state's numbers from last week's primaries shows that something is happening in Mississippi. The question is: Will the Obama Effect linger in the state, creating a new political …


City Buzz no. 9 November 15 - 22

The Return of John

Mayor Frank Melton is looking to correct a mistake he made about a year ago when he refused to renew the contract of lobbying firm Winston & Strawn LLP. Months …

House Outlaws Traffic Cameras

The Mississippi House sent a bill to the Senate today that will effectively outlaw red-light cameras. HB 1568 will restrict local law enforcement's use of cameras to assist in traffic …

Person of the Day

Beth Kander

In response to the news that state Sen. Lydia Chassaniol was the "surprise speaker" at the recent Council of Conservative Citizens meeting in Jackson in June, Jackson playwright Beth Kander …

The Lawyers and the Statistician

By day three of the Michael Ellis termination hearing, the Ellis women had moved up to the first row of the hearing room. They wore apparel appropriate for Valentine's Day—a …


Barbour Will Veto Eminent Domain Bill

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour will exercise his veto power today regarding eminent domain, reports WAPT.

Flu Concerns Rising

On Friday, the Mississippi State Department of Health released a statement responding to reports of swine flu in Texas and California.


The JFP Interview with ‘Mark Twain'

Typical Twain, and a response Hal Holbrook wouldn't hesitate to use if someone questioned his costume. Holbrook performs in an iconic white suit, his cigar used to great effect to …