All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

Weekend Happenings

News for procrastinators: Only five more days 'til Christmas! If you're still looking for a perfect, one-of-a-kind gift, head to the artists open house at the North Midtown Arts Center …

Person of the Day

Eddie Cotton

Bluesman Eddie Cotton Jr. grew up with gospel music in his daddy's Clinton church, Christ Chapel True Gospel Church of God In Christ, where he's known to sit at the …


Maybe We Should Call it the "Sin Cinch"

In a story titled "How do You Spell Lust? M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I," Internet spirituality Web site Beliefnet cites a new study by Kansas State University, saying: "Las Vegas may be known as …

Tease photo City & County

Much to Love

Jackson is much, much more than the sum of its issues.

Tease photo Health Care

Righting Our Grand Failure

Mississippi's wellness buckets are full of stagnant swamp water. Most of us are familiar with the dismal statistics. Take your pick: teen pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, smoking, heart disease—our rates lead …

Tease photo Person of the Day

Dr. Leo Huddleston

When Dr. Leo Huddleston found out he had won the 2007 Jackson Free Press "Best of Jackson" awards for best chiropractor and best doctor, he was in Panama City, Fla., …


CARA Needs Dog Food

Community Animal Rescue & Adoption, or CARA, is in deseprate need for dog food (or the funds to buy food) for the hundreds of pups in their shelter. CARA is …

Tease photo Theater

The Magic of ‘Peter Pan’

Even with its G-rated '50s songs and eternally optimistic story line, people of all ages get caught up in "Peter Pan"—even the cynics.

Tease photo Education

Big Questions About Charters

The atmosphere at the Mississippi Capitol got tense for a few moments Thursday when Sen. Kenneth Wayne Jones, D-Canton, leader of the Legislative Black Caucus, questioned the legitimacy of Gov. …


Think You're Not Creative?

"You're so creative," they'd say. "I wish I could be creative."

Back in my last life, I worked as a professional marketer, writing and designing advertising and materials to sell stuff. It used to make me totally nuts when people would …

Tease photo Wellness

Sit, Jackson

In our rush to meet deadlines, take care of our families and get stuff done, finding the time to do nothing may seem counter-intuitive.

Tease photo Feature

Building Assets: A Path Out Of Poverty

Having a job that pays a living wage is only one aspect of lifting one’s self out of poverty.


A ‘Local' Business Plan

The annual Best of Jackson reader's choice awards began in the very first issue of the Jackson Free Press.


Excuses, Excuses

When it comes to exercise, or avoiding it, some of us have creative, if lame, excuses—my cat will miss me, for example. For the most part, though, our excuses aren't …

Tease photo Person of the Day

Newton H. James

Those who knew him best say that Newton H. James was a brave man at a time when such bravery came at the risk of life and livelihood in Mississippi. …


Eyes Wide Shut

About four years ago, a colleague invited Myra Ottewell, a native Jacksonian and teacher in British Columbia, to speak to his class after they viewed "Mississippi Burning," the 1988 movie …

Tease photo Biz Roundup

Nissan, Cafe, Caterpillar, Mississippi Works

To celebrate its 10 successful years in Mississippi, Nissan Motor Company announced that it is moving production of its Murano crossover vehicles from Kyushu, Japan, to the facility in Canton …

Tease photo Politics

A Jump to the Left? Mississippi: The 2012 Elections and Beyond

Among the many names folks have called Mississippi—from the Hospitality State to the Cradle of the Confederacy—“political trendsetter” probably doesn’t rank high on many lists.

Tease photo Person of the Day

Rev. Reddit Andrews III

Rev. Reddit Andrews III believes all good theology should be practical.

Tease photo Editor's Note

Notes from the Fishbowl

Waking up to our biases is like popping the red pill—suddenly, the matrix is everywhere.