All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

Bill Banning Red-Light Cameras Signed into Law

Among the bills signed into law by Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour on Friday is House Bill 1568, which bans the use of cameras to catch motorists running red lights.


Another Reason to Come to Fondren Unwrapped

Here's an e-mail I received today from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society:

Like you need one to come out to one of the the holiday season's premier shopping events, right? Well, you could buy a gift book about Mississippi and do a …


Handy Hardware Coming to Mississippi

[verbatim from the Governor's office]

Jackson, Mississippi - Governor Haley Barbour announced today that Handy Hardware, a member-owned hardware buying group, will open a distribution center in Meridian. The company plans to employ more than …

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Dr. Tandaw Samdarshi

What do the ancient Indian texts called the Upanishads have to do with sleep? Dr. Tandaw Samdarshi, associate professor of cardiology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, is in …

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Judge James E. Graves

Fifth Circuit Judge and Clinton native James E. Graves Jr. will receive an award in May honoring a lifetime of work in the Mississippi legal system.


Spend It to Make It

At the level of countries, economics can be a crapshoot, with future predictions playing as much of a role as hindsight. Micro-economics, the kind where you have to balance a …

Tease photo Crime

Is 'Forcible' Better than 'Legitimate'?

Unless you've been hiding from everything electronic this week, you've heard about Rep. Todd Akin, a six-term Republican from Missouri, making comments about rape last weekend.

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Putting Early Learning First

When it comes to Mississippi's future—economically and socially—we have no better way to ensure success than to provide our youngest citizens with early childhood education, beginning at age 3.

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Stop the Food Fight

Hunger, and its corollary, poverty, are not intractable problems, despite their historical prevalence.

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Jackson Still Upbeat on Capitol Agenda

Part of Walter Zinn's job, as director of governmental affairs for Jackson, is lobbying for the interests of the capital city in the state Legislature, which can be frustrating.

Domestic Violence

[Mott] Not One More Victim

The bad economy and shrinking budget is not an excuse for failing to add teeth to laws protecting women.

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Nunnelee Reintroduces Akin's Bill

Mississippi's U.S. Rep. Alan Nunnelee is reviving the specter of former Rep. Todd Akin, a fellow Republican from Missouri.

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Making of a Mayor

On the morning of the Democratic primary race on May 7, Jackson's political insiders in the mood for prognosticating might have positioned Ward 2 Councilman Chokwe Lumumba as a long …

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Who Are the 47 Percent?

Last week, a videographer caught Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in an unguarded moment during a political fundraiser.

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Flonzie Brown-Wright

It wasn't so very long ago that voting was a right people fought and died for. Native Mississippian Flonzie Brown-Wright remembers those days clearly.

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From Punishment to Healing: Moving Mental-Health Care Home

Jennifer Michaels traces her mental-health problems back to Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, when she was 12 years old.

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Focus on Mississippi's Immigrants

Fellowship and good food trumped the torrential downpour last night for about 100 Jackson area residents who came out to show their support for a good cause.

Millsaps College is Mississippi's Best

Forbes.com put Millsaps College back in the news again, when it ranked the Jackson school as the best in the state based on educational quality, student experiences and their achievements. …

Back-to-School Tax Holiday This Weekend

If buying back-to-school clothes and shoes are on your agenda, this coming weekend is the time to make it happen. On Friday, July 31, and Saturday, August 1, clothing and …

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People of the Mounds

If your description of Native Americans includes "primitive" or "savages," listening to retired archeologist and Jackson resident Sam Brookes will blow your mind.